Page 63 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Hey, buttercup… hi Mom…”

“Honey.” Gayle looks from him to me with a surprised little smile on her face. “Fancy seeing you here.”

He clears his throat but doesn’t say anything.

“What are you doing here, Dad?” Blake laughs, running up to him to give him a hug.

Brook looks more awkward than I’ve ever seen him before. Like he just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

I press my lips together, looking at my mother-in-law, aware of the blush creeping up over my face, even though it’s not what it looks like.

“Daddy was umm… just fixing something for me,” I quickly say. I mean, what else can I say? Your mama had one too many drinks last night, drowning her sorrows after her boyfriend cheated. Then she necked down two glasses of wine at dinner and some shots at the bar. She nearly boot scooted her way across the dance floor before she got dizzy and nearly passed out. Oh, and your daddy saved the day, carrying mommy to his truck and driving her home where she tried to grope him… Then he spent the night and made her the best scrambled eggs she’s ever had… and that body on him is still rocking….

Now here we all stand awkwardly.

“And Daddy spilt something all over him,” Brooklyn finishes in some attempt to corroborate my story. I can only hold my lips tightly closed so no more lies seep out of them. Even if they are for her own good. “Hope you don’t mind I used your bathroom, baby?”

Two white lies to save face surely won’t send us both to Hell?

I mean, we are her parents for goodness sake. It’s not like I picked up a stranger.

Not that I picked him up! It would almost be comical if it weren’t so awkward.

I’m just not sure when the punchline is going to come.

I glance at Brook as his lips quirk in a smile. Yeah, we both look as guilty as sin, even though we haven’t done anything wrong.

He sure is cute standing there in his towel. His rock hard abs and sexy, golden skin leave little to the imagination. I forgot how cute he can be. The beads of water still on his skin make me want to be a very bad girl, and now I’m staring…

“How about I put the kettle on?” Gayle says, making her way into the kitchen.

Kill me now.

I’m sorry, Brook mouths.

It’s okay, I mouth back.

No matter how hard I try, I know that the spark is still there. And that’s the scariest thing of all.



“That’s fine, Dad. You can use my shower whenever you want.” Blake skips off up the hall with Noodle.

“Thanks, sweetie. I’d better…” He thumbs toward the bathroom and gives me a sheepish smile as he steps backward.

“Some clothes would be great, sweetheart,” Gayle calls from the kitchen. “More coffee everyone?”

“Sounds good,” Brook calls back before he disappears back into the bathroom.

I do what I usually do in times like these and try to overcompensate by talking and going about business as usual. I step into the kitchen. “This isn’t what it looks like,” I start when Blake is out of earshot. “Even though it looks really bad.”

She holds up her beautifully manicured hands. “I’m not here to judge, sweetheart.”

Oh, God. She thinks we had sex.

“No, I mean… it really isn’t what it looks like. I had one wine too many last night when I was out with the girls and Brook was good enough to drive me home…” And stay the night…

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