Page 52 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Coffee could be good,” Hartley says. “She’s not much of a drinker.”

“And what was that about heading home?” I exclaim, even though it’s a delayed reaction. “The night is still young. Hey, has anyone seen my husband?”

I feel all eyes on me now, except Carrie. She’s gone up to the bar like a good-natured bestie to get a round of drinks and probably a coffee they keep threatening me with.

“You mean your ex-husband,” Georgia chuckles. “But hey, you still have the Bassett name.”

“Who’s going to be a Bassett next I wonder… Well, we know you will be soon, Cece. Race you to the altar! We all knew you and Callan would get back together, I called it first. Hart, Skye, are you two going to join the dark side with us?” I laugh. I’m drunk but I don’t care. “You haven’t lived until you’ve married a Bassett brother. I mean, I still remember me and Brookie sneaking into the barn…”

“Oh God, please no.” Georgia puts her hands over her ears.

“And those hips…” I go on, too wrapped up in my own rambling to worry about Georgia’s obvious discomfort.

“Please make it stop,” Georgia mouths.

I notice Skye suddenly has a pink flush to her cheeks as she takes a sip of her wine. “It’s early days for us, but one day, you never know. I’d like to walk down the altar.”

“And I’d marry Gray in a heartbeat,” Hartley sighs.

“That’s so sweet!” Georgia gives her a little nudge. “You know my mom goes on about babies daily and when any of us are going to give her more.”

“True love does exist!” I declare. “We should all make a toast to all the Bassett men, and all the other available hot men in Stoney Creek!” For what purpose, I don’t know.

Little giggles ensue around the table. At least these women find me funny and easy-going, not like Kirk who wouldn’t know a good woman if she fell down from the sky and hit him over the head.

Well screw him!

“I think that’s an awesome idea!” Celeste chuckles.

“Show us your shiner again,” Autumn says toward Celeste, who flashes her beautiful diamond and sapphire ring Callan proposed with. It was his grandmother’s and it’s beautiful. Such a sweet gesture, but Callan has always been a good sort.

“Ow, ow, I’m blind.” I giggle, pretending to cover my eyes with my hand back and forth. “I still have my wedding rings. We may have been young back then, but Brookie knew how to surprise a girl with a diamond. He knew how to do a lot of things other men couldn’t.”

“Oh no, not again,” Georgia moans, placing her hands over her ears again. This time she pretends to sing and everyone laughs.

“Shit, sorry, George. I shouldn’t talk that way about my hubby in front of his sister. To the other ladies, I’ll let you in on a few secrets later…” I pump a wink or two in their direction behind the back of my hand.

“You know you keep calling Brook your hubby,” Celeste points out. “Not that I’m sure Brook would mind.”

“No,” I whisper. “You don’t understand, I have a secret. So does Brookie.” I place my index finger over my lips as Carrie comes back with a tray of shots, and a suspicious looking mug with steam billowing out of it.

“Ooh, good one!” I chuckle as she passes them around.

“One drink!” she tells me, “then we’ll get you home.”

“No way! I’m dancing tonight and none of you can stop me!”

“What was the secret?” Skye asks, as we all hold our shots up toward the middle of the table. We clink glasses and I take my shot to my lips, tipping my head back, I down it in a second. It tastes a lot like… nothing… Did they just give me water?

“Ah, that. Well, don’t tell anyone,” I say in a hushed whisper as I try to contain my giggles, placing the shot glass down on the table. “But Brookie didn’t file the papers all those years ago when we signed. Can you believe it? We’re still hitched!”

Georgia gasps and stares at me with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open. “What the hell?”

“Yes, it’s true,” Autumn confirms. I guess the cat is really out of the bag now. “It’s all a big misunderstanding, right, E?… one you can rectify at the court?—”

“Maybe it’s fate?” I interrupt as I slam my fist down onto the table again, like I’ve cracked the code. “Georgia is always saying things happen for a reason, right G?”

Georgia is still staring at me mid-shot until Celeste snaps her fingers in front of her face. “I knew something was up with Brook!” she says. “OHMYGOD!”

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