Page 53 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“I know right? And get this, he told me about it right after everyone left Blake’s party. I prized it out of him, he didn’t want to tell me.”

“That must have come as a shock,” Hartley says, glancing at the other girls around the table. I think she’s trying to gauge their reactions.

“Oh, trust me, it was.”

“What are you going to do?” Skye asks, tucking one of her pretty red curls behind her ear.

“I’ve no idea. Maybe I should stay a Bassett?” I snort a laugh.

“This is actually brilliant,” Georgia says when she’s finally recovered. She sits back against the booth seat and observes me for a moment. “It really could be the universe intervening, saying you made a terrible mistake even getting divorced in the first place.”

“Or it could have just been Brook’s oversight?” Carrie always looks on the more practical side of things.

“No way,” Autumn adds. “It’s one sure hell of a sign if you ask me. I’ve always liked Brook and you together. You’re so cute.”

“Awww.” I sling an arm around her shoulder and then hear a song I really love on the jukebox which snaps me to attention. “That’s it girls, enough Bassett talk. Let’s get on the dance floor!”

“You know, you might have actually gone a little crazy,” Carries says as we slide out of the booth. I link my arm with hers again and I practically skip over to where other people are dancing and jiving away.

“Takes one to know one!” I giggle.

“Me and Cece are just going to the ladies, and to get another drink,” Georgia hollers behind us.

“I’ll be the one making an ass of myself on the dance floor!” I laugh. Hart and Skye are right behind us.

But I don’t even make it that far. In fact, I barely put a step on the dancefloor before I feel a tug at my elbow with firm fingers and I spin around. My face is met with a very broad chest, and dark blue shirt.

I smell him before I even see his eyes; cedar-wood undertones with a hint of vanilla. It’s always been this way; heady and very masculine and reminds me of the woods.


I glance up as a huge grin spreads across my face. “Hubby!” Then I throw my arms around him, giving him a big hug like I haven’t seen him in a million years.

I feel his body stiffen as he pulls back to look at me, my arms still dangling around his neck. “E, are you okay?”

“Never better, come and have a boot scoot with me. You know you want to.”

“Have you been drinking?” He frowns.

“A couple of wines at dinner,” Autumn helpfully informs him. “And a fake shot.”

I shoot her a look. “I knew it!” Then I hold my finger up in front of him. “One drink with me? For old times’ sake?”

“That’s all it took to get you drunk?” he mutters. I sense a smidge of exasperation in his tone. “The answer is most definitely no to more alcohol.”

“She’s a lightweight.” Carrie shrugs.

I unwrap myself from around him and link my arm in his, ignoring them talking about me like I’m not here again. “You’re looking dapper tonight, Brookie.”

“Edes, we need to talk.”

“Dance with me first.”

“I heard about Kirk.”

I stop in my tracks hearing that and scowl. “I don’t want to talk about Kirk…”

“So it is true? You broke up with him?”

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