Page 51 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Plus, lusting after another man — even one you’ve known since diapers — might just be the ticket,” Carrie says. “The fastest way to get over someone is to get under someone else, or so they say.”

“Can you believe that guy!” I balk, flip-flopping back to Kirk again. “Thank God I didn’t haul my cookies all the way under his duvet. The universe is always working in mysterious ways… that’s what Georgia says anyway.”

“There’s the silver lining,” Autumn sighs. “But it doesn’t matter if you had slept with him; you didn’t do anything wrong, remember? He’s the dickwad.”

“Brookie is going to have a field day with this.” I slap my hand over my mouth. I’m kinda aware I’m blurting shit out, but I’m past the point of caring. “He hated Kirk. He nearly broke his hand at Blake’s birthday giving him a handshake, it was pretty funny now that I’m not his girlfriend anymore.”

“Maybe he could see something we all couldn’t.” Carrie gives me a sympathetic look. “I’m just sorry you got hurt.”

“I’m not hurt!” I declare. “I’m fine! See…” I kick my leg out in the air just as we get to Moose’s. I’m glad I’ve convinced them to meet up with the girls and not call it a night just yet. “I’m going to find my husband and boot scoot the night away with him. At least Brook knows how to have fun…”

I feel Carrie and Autumn look at each other. Yes, they most definitely know exactly who I’m talking about.

“I’m not sure this is a good idea,” I hear Carrie mutter under her breath.

“It’s an excellent idea!” I declare, shooting one arm up in the air. “Or, if not my husband, then maybe another hot cowboy. Hey! I know what… I should grope a random stranger tonight and take him back to my place, that’ll show Kirk that I’m not sitting around at home moping over him. I haven’t had sex in… gosh, how long has it been?”

“Let’s just get inside and I’ll order some iced water.” Carrie is so sweet but there’s no way I’m drinking water.

“I love you,” I tell them. “Both of you. Coming out with me tonight… listening to my woes…”

“And we love you too,” Autumn says. Then she glances at Carrie. “I think she might need something a little stronger, like a double shot of coffee.”

“Coffee?” I screw my nose up. “Hey, can I ride the Moose?”

“No,” they both say in unison.

“Let’s find the others,” Carrie says, pulling my arm along.

We weave through the crowd and I’m already bouncing along to the music. I don’t have any Kirk cares in the world tonight. He can go to Hell for all I care. I have almost gotten him and his little floozy out of my head by the time I plonk down in the booth where Georgia, Celeste, Skye and Hartley are sitting.

“Ladies!” I sing-song, then look at Hart and Skye. “Have you met my girls, Autumn and Carrie? They’re the bestest friends ever…” I wave my arm at them. I forget who knows who — they all know Autumn, but I’m not sure about Carrie. Smiles and hellos go around the table.

“Right then, let’s get some drinks ordered!” I bang my fist on the table and Georgia looks over at me.

“Are you okay, E?”

“I’m never better!” I chirp. “Since you last saw me anyway.” I cast her a little wink since it’s only been about half an hour. Her and Celeste did just have dinner with us, after all.

“What was in that Tiramisu?” Celeste giggles.

“I know right.” I laugh along with her. “But I haven’t had this much fun in ages. Why don’t we do some shots?”

“Shots?” Autumn balks, giving me a side eye like I’ve lost my mind. “I think maybe we’ll see if they can get some coffee brewing.”

I poke my tongue out at her. “You better not be a party-pooper missy, or I’ll go find your bestie Beau Bassett and get him to give you a talking to. You know, I think he’s always had a bit of a crush on you…” It was something I overheard ages ago from Brook, but maybe I shouldn’t be revealing that… Oops.

“You’re really not making much sense, Edes,” she says. “Beau is a sweetheart, but a crush? I don’t think so.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” I press my hands into the table to steady myself as I stand up, announcing; “I’m gonna go order some drinks.” But Carrie stops me on the other side and I plonk back down again.

“I’ll order you one shot,” she says firmly. “Then I think we should have a dance, you can make every man in this room jealous and then we can head home.”

“I don’t think she needs any more liquor,” I hear Autumn, the party-pooper, say.

“I’ll fill it with water,” Carrie says. “She won’t know the difference.”

“I can still hear you,” I tell them, pressing my fingers to my ears and flapping them. “These still work even when I’ve been drinking.”

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