Page 38 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Re-do them?” I say.

He shrugs. “Okay, maybe it’s a shock to you both, since I’m assuming you’ve told her?”

“Just after Blakes’s party. She knew something was up and I couldn’t keep it from her forever.”

“And what was her reaction?”

“It wasn’t good, mainly because she thought she’d been divorced for three years, certainly not still married. Then there’s the legalities of if she had gone to remarry.”

“Which she hasn’t, so that’s a good thing.”

“That’s what I tried to say. I apologized of course. I’m trying to make it right, but she walked off and went home right after. I haven’t spoken to her since, only texting.”

“At least she’s still texting, it could be worse.” He turns to continue his coffee.

“I guess.” Though I’m not sure anything could be worse at this point.

“You know what I really think, Brook?” Beau doesn’t have a ton to say about anyone or anything in particular, but when he does give advice or says something when we’re not goofing around, it’s usually profound.

“I’m all ears.”

“I think you give her a couple of days to cool off and digest all the info. From what I know about women, they don’t like to be bombarded at times like these. She’ll be thinking about it in her way. Then I’m sure she’ll come around, and you’ll work it out. You always do.”

“So lay off the texting?”

“Absolutely, just for a few days, give her some breathing room. It’s probably bringing up some past things for her.”

“Well, it is for me too.”

Beau walks over and sits at the table next to me after making his coffee. “How are you feeling about it?” he asks.

I shake my head. “The second I found the papers, I couldn’t help thinking that maybe it was a sign.”

“A sign?”

“Yeah, you know, like the ones Georgia’s always talking about.”

His eyes widen. “About you and Eden together?”

“Something like that. Maybe it’s the universe's way of saying things aren’t done or some shit. You see my problem?”

“It’s not really a problem if you still love her.”

I eye him again. “How could that not be a problem, Beau?” All the air leaves my lungs.

“Because there are really only two solutions; you get back together, or you divorce her for real.”

“Is everything this black and white to you all the time?”

“Since I haven’t been tainted by having my heart broken repeatedly, I guess it is.”

“Just give it time,” I joke, giving him a good-natured pat on the shoulder.

“So you’re saying that finding the divorce papers suddenly stirred up old feelings after all this time?”

“Yes.” I sigh, even if I don’t really want to admit it. There’s no point denying it now. “But if I’m being honest it was before that. Now it just seems like… like I’m just tryin’ to stir up trouble.”

“You can’t help how you feel. Just see what happens once the dust settles.”

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