Page 37 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I know I haven’t divulged anything of this nature to her, and I don’t know what I was hoping for… maybe that she wouldn’t be so horrified that we're still married. I guess it came as a shock.

The fact is, she ran into Kirk’s arms. Exactly where I didn’t want her to go.

And why would she run to me anyway? It’s been so long since we were like that and she has no idea of my true feelings. I only just discovered them myself.

So I do what I always do and plunge myself into work. Whether it be in the distillery or at home, I’m always doing something. Now I have the green light for the new blends, things can get underway and I can stop hiding for hours on end.

Celeste is designing the new logo as we speak, with some help from Georgia, based on the sketches I gave her and a full rundown on what I envisioned the label to look like. I still want the Bassett bull logo but with a twist.

“You’re looking broody,” Beau says as I sit down to eat lunch at work. I’m trying everything to get my mind off Eden being down in Georgia. I need to get a grip.

“I have a lot on my plate.” I take my hat off and run a hand through my hair.

He gives me a strange look from the coffee machine, his forehead crumples. “You always do, it never bothered you before.”

“This isn’t work related,” I say.

“Women troubles?”

My eyes flick toward him, wondering how much I should divulge. “Maybe.”

“Well, I’m probably not the guy to dish out the best advice, due to my limited experience, but I can bend an ear.”

I smile at my youngest brother. He’s always been all heart. “Thanks, bro. Appreciate it.” I tuck into my salad with some homemade vegetable koftas I made, chopped up and sprinkled through. “But it’s a delicate matter.”

“Aren’t women troubles always like that?”

“No truer words spoken.” I clear my throat. “It’s me and Eden.”

“I thought you guys were good?”

“We are good, but I’ve fucked up royally this time.”

“With what?” He turns to look at me, alarm written all over his face. Everyone in this family loves Eden.

“Look, you have to be sworn to secrecy, only Gabe knows.”

“Of course.” He holds his hands up.

I glance at the door to make sure no one else, like my nosy sister, is in earshot. “You know how Eden was asking me about the divorce papers recently? Some shit to do with her passport?”

“Yeah, you mentioned something about her going on a vacation.”

“Well I found the damned things in my filing cabinet, but I never filed them…” I glance up to see if he’s following on. He scrunches his brow. “So… we’re still married.”

He stops foaming the milk and turns his neck to look at me. “Shit, Brook.”

“I know.” I put my head in my hands, letting out a sigh I’m well aware I’ve been holding in. “I had one job to do and all of that. And I swear to fucking God I forgot, or I thought I had done it. Obviously it slipped my mind.”

He leans back on the kitchen cabinet and tilts his head, looking thoughtful for a moment. “I believe you. I guess shit happens, right?”

I glance up at him. “Shit happens,” I chuckle. “That’s all you have to say?”

“You can re-do the papers if you have to, and divorce her for the second time. I guess it will be the first time, technically. But that’s apples and oranges.”

I suck in my bottom lip while I contemplate his logic. I guess it really is as simple as that when it comes down to it.

It’s just Eden’s reaction that has been bothering me the most. Not that I blame her. I just feel indifferent and I don’t know how to make it up to her.

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