Page 39 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“I know.” I go back to eating my salad for a moment. Then swallowing, I pause again. “But judging by her reaction, I’m not so sure how I’ll get back here with my balls intact.”

“What if she felt the same way?” he asks.

The fleeting thought has crossed my mind before. There’s always been that question of what if. But for all intents and purposes, I shake my head. “She has a boyfriend.”

“Doesn’t mean she doesn’t care for you. She hasn’t married the guy, or anyone else for that matter.”

“She’s only been dating him a few months.”

“Forget the guy, Brook. What I’m saying is you need to talk to Eden when she gets back. Give her the time she needs and it’ll come together naturally. Or ‘organically,’ as Georgia would say.”

“You’re probably right.”

He takes a couple of long, slow sips of his coffee.

“You know, your advice isn’t all that bad for someone who has his head stuck in a computer game when he’s not figuring out the world's problems.”

Beau laughs, showing his dimples. “A modern day Dr. Phil, you think?”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“And here Georgia is telling me I’m useless when it comes to women.”

“You can’t be that bad, with a baby face like yours,” I muse.

Beau is the least out of all us men to have experience with women. He’s had a couple of girlfriends, but not recently, and nothing too serious. I don’t think he’s even putting himself out there on the dating scene. And Georgia-Blue, she’s dated here and there, but she’s always maintained she’s waiting for the right one to come along. The universe will provide, and all of that.

It’s no wonder my mom was ecstatic when Gray found Hartley, and then Gabe got together with his super-nanny, Skye. Who knows, I could be next.

“Baby face or not, it’s probably time I started out on the dating scene again.”

“Been a while for ya, bro?”

“Too long. But you know me, I’m not really into the casual dating scene.”

“What about a dating app? You have your nose stuck in a damn computer most of the day,” I say.

He wrinkles up his nose. “Screw that. Have you seen the maniacs on those things? I mean, I don’t wanna get paired with some crazy woman.”

I burst out laughing at the prospects of that happening in a little town like Stoney Creek. Not exactly terrifying statistics.

We’re interrupted by voices, and sure enough Georgia and Celeste walk in to have their lunch. That’s definitely my cue to leave and get on with my day, maybe even take some of Beau’s advice and lay low.

“What are you two whispering about in here?” Georgia asks, narrowing her eyes at the pair of us, placing a hand on her hip. I don't know how my sister always seems to smell trouble.

I need to straighten this shit out with Eden before the whole family gets involved. “Nothing,” I say at the same time Beau says, “Women.”

I facepalm myself.

“Ooh, do tell.” That’s all the scope she needs to sidle on over and jump on her own meddling band wagon. If match-making were an Olympic sport, my sister would win the gold medal.

“There’s nothing to tell,” I assure her, trying to keep my expression neutral. “Just makin’ sure my little bro here is being safe.” That cops me a look from Beau at the same time Georgia screws up her face.

“Ew,” she grumbles.

“You really wanna hear about your brother's love lives?” Beau turns his attention to Georgia.

“Definitely not yours.” She shudders. Celeste laughs, grabbing her lunch out of the fridge and walking over to the table. “Because you don’t have a love life, but Brook… what’s going on with you?”

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