Page 19 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Tongues wag whenever you get together, Brook. You know it.”

“Good news travels fast. And it’s hardly a crime. If you must know, we were planning Blake’s birthday party.”

“Eden has a new boyfriend, which I’m sure you already know about,” Georgia feels the need to add.

Is she purposely trying to derail my morning?

“Thanks for reminding me, sis.” I try to shake it off because she’s well and truly on the woo-woo patrol and I can’t afford for this to get out to the entire family, not yet anyway. “And I’m sure it will be short-lived, the guy lives in Georgia anyway.”

“People can move.” She shrugs.

Hmm. I guess I hadn’t thought of that, but what would a fancy surgeon do here? Wait… would Eden ever move away from Stoney? They’re only dating though. It isn’t serious… is it?

That puts my mind in further turmoil. I need to get this Kirk idiot out of the picture.

Okay, he might not be an idiot, but I don’t want anyone near my wife until I can sort out this non-divorce mess and my feelings for her. That might sound selfish, but I don’t care when it comes to her. She’s an amazing lady, so if the guy doesn’t truly deserve her, or measure up, I won’t be quiet about it. I guess I’ll know it when I meet him.

I suppose that will have to be at Blake’s birthday party. The thought annoys me, but I don’t wanna piss Eden off in the process. Maybe it will run its course like Gabe said when I spoke to him about it. He knows we’re not divorced, and he gladly hasn’t divulged it to anyone.

I’ll resolve this in my own time, in my own way.

“Can we not talk about that right now, Georgia. I have a big presentation, are you gonna help me get the oldies on board or what?” Changing tact is always a good thing with her. She tends to flit from one subject to the other anyway. It’s fine for her to scrutinize Beau’s love life, or anyone else’s, including her own, but I can’t have her poking around me and Eden right now.

“Of course!” She links her arm in mine as she looks up at me, then gives me a conspiratorial wink. “Things are going to work out for the best. I can feel it.”

I don’t know if that has a double meaning, but I’ve agreed to just go with the flow.

It hasn’t escaped my attention that Eden has to know the truth. And when I grow a set of balls after the party, I’ll do just that. “Stay out of it,” I warn her quietly.

She bats her eyelids at me. “What?”

“You have that look on your face.”

“What look?”

“That look that says you’re cookin’ up trouble.”

“She’s always cookin’ up trouble, right Blue Belle?” Hudson says, announcing his arrival by suddenly appearing in the doorway, leaning on the doorframe to the lunchroom. He’s called Georgia that nickname since we were kids. “Is this a free party or can anyone join?”

Hudson is Gray’s best friend and helps out on the farm from time to time in between running his own cotton farm on the other side of the creek.

Georgia rolls her eyes. “It’s so unfair how I’m always outnumbered by boys around here.”

“Keep your panties on, I just saw Celeste pullin’ up.” Hudson folds his arms over his chest, giving her a chin lift. “You makin’, Blue Belle?”

She huffs. “Does it look like I’m making, GP? Beau’s the one with coffee making skills, I’m just there to look good.”

Grumpy pants.

That’s her nickname for him and has been for a number of years.

He grins “Mission accomplished.”

They just love stirring each other up to the point where someone ends up storming out, usually Georgia.

“Why are you being so nice?” She narrows her eyes. “Let me guess, did you finally find a better hobby than riding the Moose all weekend?”

“I don’t know how those words sound that dirty comin’ out of such a sweet mouth.” He pushes off the door and heads toward us.

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