Page 20 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Careful,” I warn Hudson. “She’s bitin’ today.”

He mouths ouch and steals Georgia’s coffee from the counter before she has the chance to have a sip, holding it out of reach so he can take a noisy slurp.

“Hudson, that’s so rude! Ugh! God knows what cooties I’m going to catch now!” she whines. “You are so annoying!”

“Funny, you’re the only girl around here within a fifty mile radius who’s complainin’.”

“That’s because I’m the only one with a brain in my head.” She taps her skull with two fingers. “And since when did you become the regular Casanova? Boning Miss Dolly big tits doesn’t count since every guy around here notices her.”

Beau pulls a face.

I clear my throat. “When both of you are done, I’ve got an important meeting to get to.”

“I’m definitely done,” Hudson mutters.

Georgia mumbles something indecipherable as Huds turns to me.

“Hey, good luck, bro.” He gives me a one-armed pound hug. “Just keep your eye on the ball. Slow and steady wins the race.”

“Thanks man, I might need all the luck I can get.”



Something’s in the air, and not just because Aunt May was all smiles when me and Brook were having coffee. He seems a little off, and I’ve no idea why. I guess I’ve known him long enough to know when he’s being a little tentative and reserved.

Maybe it’s to do with Blake. She’s almost eleven. It’s a tender age and she’s growing up so fast. It feels like we blinked and all of a sudden she’s not a little kid anymore.

They’re only a baby for such a short time, and I’m thankful that I was at home to raise her, even when things were hard for Brook at work with his long hours.

We still make a good team — me and Brooklyn — and as the years have passed we’ve remained the best of friends.

Which leads me to thinking about what I want going forward through this next phase of my life.

Things are getting serious with Kirk, and though we haven’t actually had sex yet, I think it’s going to happen this weekend. It’s been a while for me — a long while in fact. After the divorce, I threw myself into work; I created a business that was child-friendly so I could work the hours I choose. And I love it. I have a part-time assistant, Jodie. We work from my home office next to my cottage in town and she helps me with all the finer details.

Now Blake is older and can do things for herself, I can be more flexible with work and put in more hours. I’m really starting to turn Bloom Weddings and Events into something very profitable. It’s exciting too that I’ve been offered the role of a lifetime with the Bassetts; showcasing their beautifully renovated venue for new wedding parties. I’ll bring in the clients, and I can work from one of their offices as well if I need to. The details need to be ironed out, but I would charge a package fee for my services. It couldn’t be more perfect. The Bassetts have all been very kind, and we’ve always gotten along. We’ve always been family, even after me and Brook were divorced. Bob and Gayle love Blake to bits, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

None of them have any interest in fully taking over the wedding season; Georgia is too busy overall, and Gayle has retired. I know they will still have input, but they’ve been talking about giving me free range. It would be impossible for any of the brothers to take this venture on with their current schedules, so I was flattered and overwhelmed when Bob and Gayle spoke to me about it and it was offered to me.

I couldn’t be happier.

But there’s still a lot to do because the wedding season may be slowing down for winter, but spring isn't too far away.

The barn is magnificent. The finishing touches are being completed, and Callan just has to start landscaping around the perimeter; something I know has taken a lot of consideration being we want flowers that can bloom all year round — save for winter — or as much as possible, which means careful planning. To say I’m excited is an understatement.

I’ve always thought the grounds to the distillery, and the adjacent property, were the perfect background for weddings; sloping ridges, masses of oak and cedar trees surrounding the creek which runs right through the middle. And the most magical sunsets you’ll ever see. I’ve never quite seen a southern sunset — or any sunset for that matter— like the ones in Stoney Creek. It’s truly magical with glittering colors of gold, orange and pink.

I’ve always been a country girl at heart, with no interest in leaving. Everything I have is right here, and it feels like everything is finally working out.

I pull out my phone to text Kirk.


Hi, stranger. Looking forward to the weekend? ??

A few moments later, a text bounces back and I smile.

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