Page 18 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“You’d what?” Beau shoves me in the shoulder, rocking my body forward. “Didn’t you ask Hartley out before you knew she was doing the nasty with Gray?”

I swipe a hand over my face and chuckle at the memory. Yep, that was me.

“Or was that Skye?” Callan adds.

“Hey, I gave my brothers shit so they’d make the moves. Worked, didn’t it? As soon as I stirred Gabe up about what a cutie Skye was, he staked his claim. I’d go as far to say they owe their happy ever after to me.”

“Sounds interesting,” Georgia-Blue chimes from behind us. She has the knack of sneaking up on us when we’re in deep discussion about things not concerning her.

“Forget everything you just heard,” I tell her, sliding my arm around her shoulders.

“Ooh, Beau, can you make me one too? A caramel latte would be fantastic.”

He throws an eye roll at her over his shoulder. “I don’t see you ever making my coffee.”

“That’s because you’re better at it.” She gives him a puppy dog face until Beau agrees. “And twinning is winning after all.”

“Thank fuck there’s not three of you.” I scruff her hair as she tries to wriggle free.

Georgia laughs. “Can you imagine, thrice the fun!”

Beau shakes his head. “Let’s all be thankful for that. I think one of you is quite enough.”

“Right back at ya!”

“We were just telling Beau here to pull his finger out with his little lady friend. He's stuck in the ‘friend-zone’ with Autumn. Or is it a rut?” I contemplate.

Beau shoots me a glare. “It’s neither. We are just friends after all. And she has a boyfriend, though they are on and off.”

“What’s your take on it, Sis?” She’s the go-to for these kinds of things. It’s a wonder she hasn’t snuffed out my secret yearning for my ‘ex’ wife by now. She’s like a bloodhound once she gets on the right trail.

“I love Autumn, she’s so sweet! But her family is a bit of a nightmare, right Beau?”

“They can be,” he sighs. “They’re putting pressure on her to settle down so she can plant some roots and collect her inheritance. An arranged marriage with this idiot boyfriend of hers.”

“Arranged marriage?” Georgia gasps. I can’t believe what I’m hearing either.

“Do they still do those?” I quip.

“Apparently so,” Beau says, and he doesn’t sound thrilled about it. “And before you ask, I don’t know the deets.”

“Could be an opening for you, cuz?” Callan raises a speculative eyebrow toward Beau who balks.

“We’re good as we are, thank you all for your concern,” Beau says in a dismissive tone, trying to shut it down.

“Wait, are you interested in Autumn?” Georgia’s eyes grow wide, like she’s just realizing.

“Not like that, she’s good to talk to,” Beau maintains. “I wouldn’t wanna wreck a friendship.”

“You haven’t had a date in ages,” Georgia points out. “This could be the perfect fit for you both?”

“Did you listen to what I just said?” Beau passes me my coffee over the table and turns back to the machine to start making another for Georgia.

“I’m getting the vibes there’s more to this.” Georgia pauses, then she looks at me, leveling me with her intense blue eyes. “By the way, I heard you were at Stones Throw this morning with Eden.”

Oh shit, she’s moved onto me.

“Your point being?” I cock a brow.

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