Page 128 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“You did.” Eden smiles. “And it’s official. We wanted to tell everyone here.”

Eden places the pumpkin pie down on the counter as Georgia throws her arms around me and then Eden. Beau is right behind her, followed by Hudson and his dad, Huck, then Gabe, Skye and Trinity. Awesome timing. Daisy whooshes past us trying to find her doggie friends, as we all move into the main kitchen where Mom, Dad, Uncle Jack and Aunty Patti are busy bustling around in the kitchen. Celeste, Callan and Sunny are already here too, along with Gray and Hartley.

“I’m so happy for you!” Georgia says with tears in her eyes.

Everyone has stopped and is looking at us. Eden laughs quietly under her breath.

I guess that’s one way to break it to the family.

“It’s official everyone.” I hold up our entwined hands. May as well let the cat out of the bag early on, rather than over dinner like how we thought. “Eden and I are back together!”

Trinity starts jumping up and down excitedly and runs up to us. I pick her up in my arms and give her a cuddle. “You hear that, little Trin? Uncle Brook is in love with Aunty Eden.”

Trinity giggles. “And I wuv you, Uncle Bwook and Aunty Eden.”

Everyone coos and laughs at her cuteness as she hugs me and Eden and I place her back down on her feet where Blake pulls her by the hand to show her the pumpkin pie she made.

“Congrats!” Gabe says, patting me on the back roughly and giving me a pound hug. “Glad you both finally see what we saw all along.”

“Here here!” Beau adds. “About time.”

“So happy for you both!” Skye gives us both a hug and Eden an extra squeeze. No one can contain their excitement and happiness for us.

“Knew you had it in you.” Hudson winks, making his way over to the snacks being laid out on the long kitchen bench where Mom smacks his hand away.

“Congratulations,” Hudson’s dad, Huck says, shaking my hand and giving Eden a hug.

“You two are so perfect for each other.” Hartley has broken through the crowd to give us her official congrats. Though I know Gray has told her already. “Should we get the shredder out for the divorce papers?”

Eden and I both laugh. “Maybe a bonfire?” I suggest, giving Callan a nod over by the kitchen counter. He knows all about it, not the divorce, but he did something similar with Celeste’s ex-wedding dress to the asshole she didn’t marry, Anders.

Eden and I plan to light up those papers as soon as possible.

Callan shakes his head, his shoulders moving up and down with laughter. “Congrats,” he mouths over to us. He’s being pushed out the way by the eager women in the family trying to hug us.

“GB and I knew you still had a thing for each other.” Celeste gives us both a hug. “And Hartley's right, you are both really perfect for each other.”

“Well, we’re pulling out all stops this time to make things work.” Eden squeezes my hand.

“I always knew you two would get back together!” Mom hollers above the crowd. “Let me see you, beautiful pair…” She makes her way through everyone else to hug me tight, and then Eden. By now all the women have tears in their eyes.

“I’m sure it won’t be too long for more grand babies then?” Aunt Patti is right behind my mom.

Eden and I both stare at each other wide-eyed. We haven’t discussed that yet, but more kids were never off the table the first time around.

“Let them at least get past the honeymoon phase,” Uncle Jack tuts towards his wife but gives me a handshake. My dad is smiling over the crowd, as is Gray.

“I think we need to make a toast!” Gray shouts. “Let the celebrations begin!”

“Let me at em!” Georgia says again, dancing around with Blake and Trinity, the dogs all chasing each other around the massive dining area where Mom and Aunt Patti have set up an extended table for our dinner.

“What did we miss?” Eden’s parents walk into the huge commotion taking place and everyone laughs. Her folks decided to put off their vacation until after the holidays as they wanted to spend some family time with us getting back together.

“Just me confessing my love for your daughter,” I tell them, looking down at Eden.

“They’re going to kiss again!” Blake hollers loudly, covering her eyes again. Trinity follows suit, her toy Bunnykins dangling from her little hand, and everyone laughs.

“Kiss!” the entire family calls out at once. Eden’s cheeks pinken slightly. She’s so damned cute, neither of us are used to any of this kind of thing. But it’s an amazing feeling that everyone is so accepting and happy for us.

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