Page 129 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I’m on cloud nine. I couldn’t be happier. The excited buzz through my body is palpable.

I dip my head as Eden reaches up onto her toes and our lips meet, but it’s only brief, nothing too showy in front of the family, or the kids.

Everyone hoots and cheers.

“Three cheers for Brooklyn and Eden!” my dad calls above everyone’s chatter.

“Hip-hip-hooray!” everyone chimes in unison thrice over.

“This is like being famous.” Eden laughs.

“I’m gonna need a drink. You, baby?”

“Yes, please,” she says as Betty and Brice come forward to greet us and my father-in-law gives me a pat on the back. They’ve always been so supportive of both of us and we’ve always gotten along. Blake runs up to her grandparents and gives them a hug, Trinity following her every move, waving her bunny around.

“Proud of you, Brother,” Gray says, as I walk to the fridge to grab some drinks for us.

“Thanks, man. It’s been a long time coming.”

“You know the old saying about saving the best for last?”

I chuckle. “Too true.”

“You got there, I knew you would.”

“It’s going to be different this time,” I tell him. “So different.”

He pats me on the back and pulls me into a pound hug.

“You two getting all sentimental?” Huds eyes us both.

“Watch out, you could be next!” I laugh. “The love bug seems to be traveling.”

“No way, no offense, but women are trouble.” He folds his arms firmly across his chest, crossing one ankle over the other, as he leans against the island bench. “But I am glad for you both.”

“Not when you find the right one,” I say. “Things are different then.”

I glance over at my woman talking to the family, everyone smiling and chattering while I grab drinks and Mom and Aunt Patti start handing out the canapés on Mom’s silver serving platters.

They love to make the nibbles from scratch before the traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

I couldn’t think of anything better right now than being here with everyone, especially my wife and my daughter. Everyone is happy. The dogs are having a great time, and Sunny already has her eye on the turkey.

It’s total chaos, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Eden sides up to me as I pass her a glass of wine. “Thank you, husband,” she whispers while taking a sip. I watch her succulent mouth as it touches the glass. I’d love to lick the residue off her lips, but I’ll save that for later.

“Thank you, wife.” I grin like a lovesick puppy. And that’s what I am for her, and I don’t care one single bit.

“What for?”

“For being you. For saying yes the third time around.”

“Three times a charm.”

And those words right there tell me everything I need to know.

I bend to kiss her again.

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