Page 127 of Brooklyn & Eden

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It’s been very sweet of Eden to take such an interest in what we’ve been doing, and she’s a hit with my animals.

It fucking feels right, and that’s the best part.

“We’re ready!” they both shout out at once.

I roll my eyes. Nothing like now having two females to wait around for. But really, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Blake skips up the hall with Noodle hot on her heels. Eden and I have both agreed she can get a bunny or two, and we can be foster parents to the bunny and Guinea pig wing of the animal shelter. We are going to work up to a permanent cat or a dog in the future, once we work out the living dynamics. I mean, I’m sure Eden will move back to the farm in time and Noodle will be with us all the time then.

“How’s the pie looking, honey?” I ask.

“Great, Dad. Mom is really good at baking.”

“That could be good for us!” I whisper behind the back of my hand.

She giggles.

“You gotta be in charge of getting it over to Gran and Gramp’s place in one piece, okay?”

Eden comes down the hall, carefully carrying one of the two pies she made. “Your dad is right,” she says. “I’ll carry the other one, and don’t let Noodle stick her face in it.”

Blake and I laugh as we make our way out to the truck.

I drive as slow as I can over the bumps and through the twists and turns to my parents’ house. When we park, I reach over and kiss my wife quickly because I can’t keep my lips off her for too long. “You look perfect,” I whisper, my lips brushing her as I speak.

“Ew!” Blake says, covering her eyes with her hands, the pumpkin pie still resting on her knee.

Eden and I both laugh. “Dad loves your mom, Blakey. Better get used to it.”

“And Mom loves your dad,” Eden chimes.

Blake is all smiles in the rear-view mirror, so I don’t think she’s too grossed out seeing us kissing. “I knew it, Dad, when I saw your tattoo of Mom’s name that you must still have the hots for her.”

“Blake!” Eden gasps.

Blake shrugs like it’s no biggie. She probably knew before we did.

I laugh as I kiss my wife again. Blake exits the car carefully with the pie, helping Noodle down. “Let’s save some whipped cream for later,” I whisper low in Eden’s ear.

She shoves me with her hand but I know she’s not opposed to the idea. We both know we have to find clever and inventive ways to get intimate for the moment, mainly when Blake is at school.

We haven’t had a proper sleep-over yet. “Save it for the barn,” she whispers back.

Fuck. I pull away from her before my dick hardens going into my parents’ house.

“You’re trouble!” I say as I slide out of the truck. She blows me a kiss before she climbs out of her side.

We walk into my parents’ hand in hand, while she carries the pumpkin pie carefully on her other side. Blake has already gone inside with Noodle and the other pumpkin pie. I can hear her telling my parents how she made it with her mom from the garden using our own pumpkins. Then she launches into how much she raised for Stoney Creek Paws and how she plans to keep it going with a regular bake sale and a raffle.

“You’ve made our daughter into some kind of animal superhero.” Eden giggles toward me as we walk down the hall.

“She’s like her mom then.” I nuzzle into her neck.

“OHMYGOD!” We hear a voice behind us. Georgia-Blue just walked in and caught us. “You two!”

Eden and I look at each other and don’t even try to spring apart. We ain’t hiding it anymore. “Have you met my wife?” I chortle, giving Eden a peck. I could kiss her all day, every day, and never get sick of it.

“I knew it! I absolutely called this one!” She smiles at us both, her blue eyes wide and glistening, clearly ecstatic.

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