Page 126 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I watch him move above me, giving me his all, watching me with a combination of love and lust mixed in his eyes; having great sex on the hay bales just like we used to.

“Brook, that’s so good.”

“We always were, baby.” He holds one hand to my breast and the other hand on my hip as he thrusts in and out, the sweat starting to bead on his hot skin. Dropping his eyes to watch my chest, he leans down to suckle my nipple and I cry out.

His tongue works its magic and I hang on for the ride. He makes the most sexy noises, grunting his appreciation in that husky way as we drive it home. I feel his free hand slide down between us, landing on my sweet spot where he continues to rub. I’m so damned close to exploding, and his touch is only going to speed it up. “Brookie…”

“Yeah, baby.”

“I love that, oh, oh.” The friction against my clit with his hand, him teasing my nipples and the pace of our movement reach boiling point. My orgasm takes hold and spirals through my body as I squeeze my eyes closed and ride out my release on a long, rapid cry. Hearing my ecstasy echo around the barn, I feel Brook’s breathing change, followed by a noticeable pulse inside me as he lets his release go with a deep grunt.

“Oh, baby,” he moans as we ride it out together. Our voices, breaths, and releases all mix together as one and I know right then that I don’t have any reservations anymore.

I need to do what feels natural from now on and let myself fall even further than I’ve allowed myself to fall in a long, long time.

I know I’m there, and it’s a complete liberation admitting this to myself and to him.

“I love you, Brookie,” I murmur as he bends to kiss me soft and slow.

He lifts up to look at me, moving some loose strands of hair out of my face. He kisses my nose, my forehead, and then each eyelid. “You don’t know how happy that makes me to hear that. I love you too, baby girl.”

And with that, I think our little tiff is over and our new beginning is about to start.



Thanksgiving comes around a few days later and Eden and I have been inseparable. We broke the news to Blake when she got home the next day because we couldn’t keep it in any longer.

We didn’t think there was any point in sneaking around and hiding it from anyone while we rekindled things. Nothing stays secret in Stoney Creek for very long anyway and there’s no way we were risking Blake finding out from anyone else.

Everything changed after that night Eden thought she caught me outside Moose’s with Amber and I can now look at it and see that one incident could have been a make or break us moment. I’m glad it didn’t break us. There’s no way I wanted Amber, or anyone else.

The fact she overheard me explaining to Beau cemented that fact. Though I was surprised and touched that she came over to my place so quickly that night before she even heard me confessing what happened to my brother.

It makes me feel alive that we’re now on the same page and she’s let go of her reservations and her worries about the future. We’re no longer worried about that.

Blake was beside herself and very happy that we were getting back together. She hasn’t seen us together in such a long time, so long ago that I don’t think she even remembers it very well. We want to keep things as normal as possible for her while we move into a relationship.

Eden and I discussed everything and we were both in agreement that we could only come clean with our daughter if we truly were going to give this the best shot of our lives.

A shot where we never break it again. And neither of us plan to. We will never let anything get in the way ever again.

We’re ironing out the details as we go along, and working out what to do going forward. We just want to take our time with our living arrangements and keep doing the back and forth thing, like people do when they’re dating.

Dating my wife. I chuckle at the thought, but that’s exactly what we’ve been doing.

Since the night in the barn, we’ve already been to the movies and spent some time on my hobby farm where she’s making friends with Sawyer and the horses. We plan to go to Mary Lou’s on the Creek as soon as she wins me in the auction this weekend.

Yes. I’m still entered and Eden agreed it would be a great way to put an end to those rumors already circulating around town if we are or aren’t back together.

Mom and Dad know as well as Eden’s parents. I even called Gray this morning, before we all got together for Thanksgiving dinner, wanting to give him the news first because he was a little put out that I didn’t get around to telling him about the non-divorce before word broke out. It was only fair.

We’ll tell everyone else at dinner. Everyone is going to be at my parents’ place. It all got decided just a few days ago.

It’s going to be huge. All my siblings, Trinity, Skye and Hartley, Eden’s parents, Aunt Patti and Uncle Jack, Celeste, Callan and Sunny, plus Hudson and his dad are coming. I’m sure even little Daisy is going to make an appearance.

“You both ready to go?” I holler to my girls. They’re in the kitchen here at the farm, still making the final touches to the pumpkin pie they’ve been making for dessert. The pumpkins were hand-picked by all three of us just yesterday when we were out fossicking in the garden.

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