Page 122 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Do you even know how that sounds?”

“I don’t care how it sounds, that’s how it is.”

He wedges his foot in the door and proceeds to follow me in the doorway and I spin around as Noodle tries to sidle up to his legs.

“You need to go, Brook.”

“No. Not until we straighten this out.”

“I think you’ve done enough for one night.”

He runs a hand through his hair and sighs exasperated. “Please?”

“Brook, I can’t.”

He stares at me with those eyes, the ones I loved for so long, and still love now.

I want to reach out to him. I want to believe him, but I just don’t know if I can.

He steps back like I’ve slapped him and my heart aches. “I’d never do that to you,” he whispers. “Just know that.”

I open my mouth to speak but he backs away and walks out the way he came in, straight over to his truck. He starts her up and backs out of my driveway before I can even blink.

He’s pissed. But can he really blame me? What if it had been the other way around?

I bend down to pick up Noodle, wincing because I’m still very sore from my fall and it’s been a few hours since I’ve taken any painkillers.

“Brook,” I whisper, as he drives off into the night. “I love you.”



I can’t settle when I get back in the house, as much as I might try.

My brain is doing overtime, and instead of feeling happy and celebrating how well this past season has gone for me, I’m in tears at home.

I know I need to pull myself together, and pacing up and down the hallway isn’t going to do anything to make me feel better. I decide I can’t leave things like this with Brook. I grab Noodle’s pouch and pick her up in a hurry, sliding her inside. I grab my keys and head back out.

I shouldn’t have let Brook leave like that. I didn’t even really give him a chance to explain. Well, he tried, but I wouldn’t hear it and then he took off.

In reality I haven’t been with Brook in years, but one thing is for sure; he isn’t a liar.

So I have to believe that what he told me tonight was true. And I must have walked in on him trying to get her to cover up.

I am also having a realization of what it is that’s been stopping me now, and he needs to hear it.

Whether he will believe me or not, that’s the risk I have to be willing to take.

I high-tail it over to the Bassetts farm. I’m not long behind him, but I know I can’t leave it like this. I know my way there by now, so it doesn’t take long.

I quickly call Autumn on the way to let her know I won’t be there after all.

She’s still in the bar, so I can only give her a quick rundown of the showdown outside. I don’t really want to get into it, so I tell her I’ll catch up with her tomorrow.

Brooks' car is in his carport when I pull up. Noodle is snoozing on the passenger seat before I pick her up and place the pouch strap over my head so I can carry her with me.

I take a breath and walk right up to the door and knock loudly.

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