Page 121 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I feel his hand on my shoulder but I shrug him off. “Brook, don’t!”

“Eden, I didn’t do anything. She followed me out here, ask Beau.”

“I don’t need to ask Beau anything. I know what I just saw and walked in on.”

“Clearly you don’t.”

“How could you do this to me?”

“I didn’t do anything! I’ll get the security footage from the bar if you don’t believe me.”

“You know what, I don’t believe you. If you were just out for a good time with Amber big tits, you should have said something!”

“I’m not out for anything with her.” He shakes his head, adamant. “And I’m not taking the blame for this either, especially when I didn’t do anything. Beau wanted to talk to me, that’s the only reason I’m here. But I left because he’s busy talking with Autumn. Amber followed me and exposed herself. I was trying to cover her up, that’s what you saw me doing.”

I laugh without humor. “Do you seriously expect me to believe that?”

“Actually, yes. I do.”

“Well, you’re sorely mistaken if you think you can take me for a fool.” I fumble with my keys and unlock the car, ready to climb in and escape, but Brook blocks my way with his large frame.

“Eden, don’t do this. I’m not your ex, and I don’t want Amber.”

I glance over to where his truck is. Luckily two of her friends have come out from the bar and are helping her breasts find their way back inside the fabric of her dress. “Leave me alone, Brook.” I shove past him and slide into my seat, starting up the engine as I pull my door closed.

He bangs on the window but I ignore him and back out of the lot, screeching my tires as I take off up the street.

I don’t even glance back because what’s the point? Tears escape me as I drive away.

Somewhere in the back of my mind reminds me Brook had idly mentioned Amber Jenkins getting a little fresh at boot scooting and on a separate occasion Blake mentioned Juliette’s mom has a crush on her dad. I also know Brook isn’t a cheater, not that we’ve said we’re a thing yet, but everything I know about him contradicts what I just saw. Could it really be that I walked in on something somewhat innocent?

I shake it off. Amber’s breasts on display told a very different story.

I’m such an idiot. I wipe the tears away as they roll down my cheeks and try to ignore the horrible, dull feeling in my chest. Brook is free to do whoever and whatever he wants. I have no claim over him. But then why was he professing his feelings for me and wanting me to think about rekindling things with him again? Would he really risk that for a grope of Amber’s breasts right outside Moose’s for all to see?

I have no words or explanation for what I just saw. I can only assume.

I pull up at home a few minutes later and while I’m rustling for my keys, Brook’s truck rolls up alongside and stops abruptly. I didn’t even realize he’d followed me. I quickly try to get my front door open so I can slam it in his face, but I fumble and he comes running up before I can get inside.

“Eden, stop!”

I whirl around and shove him in the chest but he doesn’t move. My tiny weight against him does nothing. “I told you to get away from me!”

“And I told you nothing happened! I was warning Travis about Amber and Dolly on the prowl just moments before you pulled up. Amber followed me after I blew her off inside. She’d had too much to drink and exposed herself.”

I stare up at him and see in his face he seems to be telling the truth; the serious look in his eyes says it all. It’s just a shock to be faced with after everything else that’s happened in the recent past. “And I’m just saying after this whole Kirk thing, this is a shock to the system. It feels like it’s happening all over again!”

“It’s not Kirk all over again, I’m not him!” he says firmly. “I’d never do that.”

I push the door open as I can hear Noodle scratching, waiting for me to get in.

“I never said you were Kirk! I said the whole Kirk thing.”

“But you’re thinking I’m just like him, aren’t you?”

“I was shocked to see you and her in the lot, since it’s not exactly normal to be topless in the street.”

“I was shocked too when she cornered me!”

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