Page 123 of Brooklyn & Eden

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I stand waiting but there’s no answer.

He has to be here. His truck is parked and I wasn’t that far behind him.

I knock again, but no one comes. I try the handle but the door is locked.

I walk around to the side gate and let myself in. I smile to myself as I see Blake’s bike is parked up against the side wall.

“Brook?” I call out.

Still nothing.

The lights are on inside the house. I knock and then pull the back door ajar and call again.

“Where the hell is he?” I mutter as Noodle yawns into my chest. She’s clearly not bothered. Maybe I’ll check the stables.

I start walking through the path at the rear, behind his vegetable patch that leads to the stables behind the house. I’m tempted to call his cell and see where he got to. I stop at the huge barn doors he and Callan handmade. It took all the Bassett men to install them. Then I hear his voice…

“She ran out on me so I followed her home but she kicked me out... I don’t know, Amber wouldn’t let up the whole time in the bar. She followed me out to the truck and fucking backed me into the door.”

There’s a pause as I listen, my heart is thrumming so loud, the blood is rushing to my ears.

“Of course I told her to back off. She was harping on about bidding on me at the auction and she’d make it worth my while. Then she pulled her dress down, right before Eden walked around between my truck and yours, her tits hanging out and everything. I was trying to cover her up when we got sprung… Yeah I know… I tried talking to her. She thinks I’m just a big cheating jerk like Kirk was.”

He’s quiet for a few moments. I hear him shuffling like he’s walking back and forth.

“I’ll text her tomorrow. She might have cooled off by then. Alright, yeah, I’ll get some rest. I ain’t going anywhere else tonight. Goodnight, Bro.” He hangs up and I use that as my cue to push myself in the door and make my presence known.

He’s leaning back on one of the posts, stroking Sawyer on the head. He turns to look at me, and his breath catches in his throat. Surprise littering his face.

“Brook, I… I’m sorry,” I whisper. I’ve heard it straight from his mouth now. He was telling the truth. “I just…”

He swallows, his bottom lip curling under. “I get it,” he says, releasing it after a moment. “It certainly can’t have looked the best from that angle. I was just talking to Beau. He called me after Autumn must’ve told him something.”

“Yeah, I rang her on the way as she asked me to come for a drink. I thought I’d see if you were still there.”

“I guess you told her what happened?”

“Not all of it, just you and I had words in the car park when I pulled up. And it appeared that Amber Jenkins was coming onto you.”

“She’s always flirting with me, but she’s never done anything like that before. I’m sure she was just letting loose since Juliette was having a sleepover.” He folds his arms across his chest.

“I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.”

He sighs. “E, I don’t blame you for being mad. I can see how it looked, you turn up and Amber is all but topless standing in front of me. But it was just bad timing. Had it been a few minutes earlier I’d have been in my truck, alone.”

I walk up to him as he watches my movements. “I got jealous,” I say, looking him directly in the eye. “So damned jealous.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You and I just slept together, E. Do you really think I would do that?”

I bite my lip and sigh. “No. It’s just been a big few weeks. And I’ve been trying to fight my feelings toward you.”

“How do you feel now?” He cocks his head, still not moving from his leaning position.

“I want to fall, Brook, so hard for you. I still love you and I think I always have. I’m just scared if it doesn't work — if we lose it again.”

He steps toward me now. “We wouldn’t lose it again.”

“How do we know?”

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