Page 113 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“Yeah, it’s a relief. It went without too many hitches this year.”

“Do you want to come down for a drink? It looks like Autumn is here.”

“I might just have an early night.”

“Is everything else okay?”

“Yes. I’ve been thinking about you all day, non-stop actually.”

A smile creeps onto my face. “Me too.”

“We really should talk about that list.”

“You kinda sound serious, E. You sure you’re okay?”

“The more I think about it, the more I’m thinking we were stupid last night.”

My smile drops and my heart sinks. “Stupid?”

“What the hell did we think we were doing, hooking up like that?”

Hooking up? I pull my phone away from my ear for a moment and glance at the screen. Is she for real?

“E, don’t do this. Let’s talk in person.”

“I’m freaking out, Brook.”

“Can I come over?”

“No, not tonight. I’m tired and I need to think.”

She sounds a whole lot different to last night, that’s for sure.

“Sounds like you’re doing way too much of that as it is.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You sound like you're getting in your own head about us.”

“It’s normal isn’t it, after everything we’ve been through? We can’t just jump back into bed like that and think it solves everything.”

“I have never once thought that, or said it.” I lean on the wall at the entrance of Moose’s not walking inside as it’ll be too noisy to talk to her.

“I took things slow with Kirk and then I go and jump into bed with you right off the bat!”

“Hardly the same thing, E. We are technically married, after all.”

She sighs and I really can feel her frustration, but she needs to just take a breath. We can’t figure it all out in five minutes. “I shouldn’t have done what I did and grabbed you in the car. Not when I don’t know what we’re doing, or what the outcome will be.”

“You’re sorry?” I balk. “Well, I’m definitely not sorry. I’m glad you grabbed me in the car. I’m glad every time you look at me. And none of us know what the outcome will be in anything, unless you’re GB and have a crystal ball.” She doesn’t laugh at my attempt of a joke.

“I should go. I don’t want to cause a fight. Maybe I’m just tired.”

It’s my turn to sigh as my own frustration comes to the surface. I guess it has been a big week for both of us. Maybe she really is just tired, as her words really seem to be coming out of left field. “We’ll talk tomorrow if you want,” I say.

“Okay. Goodnight, Brook.”

“Night, Edes.”

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