Page 112 of Brooklyn & Eden

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She’s excited about tonight, seeing her friends Sophie and Montana. I’ll be dropping her off at Sophie’s mom’s place around six and then heading back to the farm for what I’m hoping is a quiet night in.

I’m not working this weekend, as in, I’ll drop by the rickhouse to check on everything, but I’ve got shit ton of my own to do this weekend and I need to spend some time with my animals.

“Do you think we could get some more pets?” Blake asks me when we’ve dropped by Macey’s office to give her the donation money. Macey was more than startled at how it had all come about, and I could see she was very touched as well as very grateful. Knowing it will help the shelter animals in need is really something close to Blake’s heart.

“It’s possible,” I say. “You talkin’ about a dog again?”

“Can we get one?”

“Maybe.” The only reason we haven’t in the past is because I work long hours and it wouldn’t be fair to have a dog at home by itself all day. Okay it would have the enclosed homestead area, but dogs are people animals and not all dogs can come to work like Sunny does with Callan.

“Really, Dad?”

“We’ll see. Maybe a farm dog would be neat.”

“Could we start off with some rabbits first then?”

I laugh and glance at my girl. “Rabbits?”

“Macey said she had some rabbits in foster care. Could we foster too?”

“Woah, woah, that’s a big commitment, baby girl.”

“But I’d promise to look after them.”

“What about your week at your mom’s?”

“I could take them, they’re only small. The rescue has guinea pigs in care too.”

“That’s true. Well, you’d have to talk to your mom about that first. Noodle would have to be okay with it, it’s her home too.”

I’ve no idea how we would cart a rabbit or guinea pigs back and forth to our places, but I’m sure something could be worked out.

“Could I please, Dad?”

“We’ll talk to Mom, okay?”


I can’t help but smile at the way she wants to take in every homeless animal she can find. She’s like her daddy in that respect. We’ve even thought about having a resident cat, so that will probably be the next thing.

When I drop her off, I get a text from Beau asking me if I wanna have a drink down at Moose’s. He needs to talk to me about something, apparently. It all seems cryptic to me so I decide what the heck. A beer on the way home shouldn’t cut my labor too short. I plan on texting Eden when I’m done there and see how her day went.

I know the wedding was out at the old homestead where a lot of people get hitched around here. It makes for a great backdrop.

When I pull up at the bar I see Beau’s car already parked outside, and strangely enough, so is Autumn Leaf Photography, according to the branding down the side of her burnt orange BMW SUV. It kinda stands out around here.

My cell rings as I climb out of the cab and I see it’s Eden.

I swipe across as I’m walking toward the entry. “Hey.”

“Hi, Brook. How’s your day been?”

“Good, Baby Doll. Just dropped Blake off at Sophie’s and I’m heading to see Beau at Moose’s. What about you? I was going to message you later.”

“The wedding went well.” She pauses. “It’s still in progress. But I’ll be leaving soon.”

“That’s great. Must be good getting to the end of a busy season?”

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