Page 111 of Brooklyn & Eden

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You weren't saying that last night


I know. But I’m still trying to get my head around Kirk showing up


Tell me about it


I really hope he left town


I don’t see what he would be hanging around for

Why the fuck are we talking about him?


You’re right.


Let me know if you’re worried about him. I can talk to Travis again


Will do. Talk later. I’ve Gtg meet Jodie


Keep up with the ice packs



Well the crosses are one thing, but the things she said are another. I can understand her trepidation over Kirk showing up and me smacking him in the face, but he would be long gone by now. That much I’m sure.

I get that uneasy feeling already in my gut where Eden’s thoughts lay. This is where we always end up, or we have in the past. We look at it from too wide an angle and she gets all confused and says it’s too complicated. Then we give up, like we did the second time around.

Now I feel like I may have over shared in my lust-filled haze last night and said too much too soon.

I wash a hand over my face. She’s right; we do need to talk.

Sooner rather than later.

Blake and I take Apollo and Misty out for a run the next morning. I know Eden has a busy day with the last fall wedding on her hands so I don’t bother her with any messages. We spent the morning finalizing the money from Blake’s birthday wishing well. She’d already counted it all the day after her party with over four hundred dollars from the donations from her friends that came. There were quite a few kids so it didn’t take long to add up. Plus Eden and I both put in another hundred bucks each.

“That’s six hundred big ones, B. I’m so proud of you, girl!” I tell her before she’s getting her stuff ready for her friend’s sleepover tonight.

“Thanks, Dad. Knowing it’s going to a good cause is a really good thing.”

“It sure is.”

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