Page 108 of Brooklyn & Eden

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Georgia gapes at me.

“Punched who?” Beau says behind us. I didn’t even see or hear him come in.

I facepalm myself. “Never mind,” I sigh. “Later.”

“You know mercury is in retrograde at the moment, y’all ought to be careful,” Georgia chimes as she continues making her coffee. “That’s why all these crazy things are coming about and causing havoc with people and the world.”

“It’s not because the person may already be an asshole?” Beau piques an eyebrow as Georgia throws him a ‘back off’ glare.

“Joke all you want, just ask Gabe. Ooh, here he is now. GABE!”

He’s about to walk past us to his office when he halts in his tracks. “Kinda early for you to be yelling already,” he mutters, clearly needing a coffee or three himself.

“I was just telling the guys about Mercury retrograde and how it might explain a few things going on around town. It’s an optical illusion, if you didn’t know,” she tells us. “And wreaking havoc while it transitions.”

Gabe runs a hand through his neatly styled hair. “That’s what you’re all talking about in the hallway?”

“No, we’re talking about why Brook punched Kirk for harassing Eden, and Georgia thinks it has something to do with the planets,” Beau offers.

Fucking great. I knew it was a bad idea even coming up here from the safe confines of my rickhouse. Now all my siblings are here harassing me. “Thanks Beau for clarifying that,” I mutter. “Clearly nothing is private anymore.”

He shrugs. “I didn’t realize it was a secret.”

“Oh trust me, nothing is around here,” Gray adds.

“You’re a stars and planets guy, Gabe,” GB is still pleading her case. “I thought it might shed some light on a few things that have been going on around here.”

Gabe sighs and plants his briefcase down. “Mercury is in retrograde phase,” he says. “GB is quite right about that. Yes, it’s an optical illusion where it appears Mercury is moving backwards in the night sky, but it’s really the Earth briefly overtaking Mercury in its orbit creating that visual effect.”

Everyone looks at him, including me, wondering how the fuck he knows this shit.

“That explains it then!” Gray mocks.

“Keep joking all you like. You’re all full of it if you don’t believe the planets affect people's moods,” GB states. “There’s been all kinds of goings on these last few weeks and I’m convinced it’s what’s going on up there.” She points up to the sky.

“Could explain why you’re so up and down, sis,” Beau chuckles, ducking for cover as GB lobs the paper towel roll at his head. “See!” He points at her.

Gabe ignores them. “Astrologers believe it can cause a cycle of misfortune and chaos during the phase. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun, slightly larger than the moon. It’s the fastest planet in the solar system, meaning it enters retrograde three to four times a year on average,” Gabe informs us. “So, GB might well be onto something there because it’s a planet that rules expression and communication.”

Georgia looks triumphant.

“You’re both nuts!” Beau laughs it off and busies himself getting his morning coffee.

“Google it if you don’t believe us.” Georgia folds her arms across her chest haughtily.

“Oh, I’ll do just that,” he mocks. “I’ll rush off and google all your woo-woo crap just for kicks.”

“I don’t think I’d be making any rash decisions until the phase is over,” Gabe adds, looking at Beau pointedly, ignoring his jibes.

“Sounds like I should be worried!” I take a sip of coffee, knowing I need to get this meeting over with and back to the safety of the cellar. “And thanks for the early morning update on the solar system, guys. Much appreciated.”

“Any time.” Gabe picks up his briefcase. “I really hope you got that guy good, though,” he says, giving me a pat on the shoulder.

“Straight between the eyes as it happens.”

Gabe grins and gives me a single nod before he walks off.

“Now, if we’ve all finished our lesson for the day, we better have that meeting.” I look at Georgia and Gray. Then I might be able to get some peace.

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