Page 107 of Brooklyn & Eden

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She drops her stuff down with a thud on her desk and comes back out into the hallway. “Birdie tells me you got into a scuffle last night, Brook?”

Here we fucking go.

I roll my eyes. “Where did you hear that?”

“Never you mind! Is it true you punched out Eden’s ex-boyfriend? Please say it is, not that I condone violence, but I never liked the guy and after he cheated on E?—”

“Woah, woah, slow down.” Gray puts the brakes on before she can get another word out. “What are you talking about?”

“Just what I said, he punched Kirk after he showed up at Eden’s, right Brook?” She glances over at me.

Gray shoots me a look. “What the hell?”

I sigh and hold my palms up. “Look, the guy was really asking for it. Harassing Eden after she broke up with him. Then he shows up on her doorstep!”

“Yeah and you said you took care of him, I just didn’t think it meant you punched him. Way to go,” Gray balks.

“Well, I guess that part slipped my mind with everything else I’ve got going on.”

“Ooh like what?” Georgia raises her eyebrows.

“None of your business.”

“Slipped your mind?” Gray isn’t impressed by the fact I didn’t fess up, by the looks of it.

“Maybe I didn’t want to talk about it.”

“Slipped his mind, just like the divorce papers!” Georgia stirs as she walks into the break room. We’re both still standing in the doorway.

“That’s cute, GB. Real cute.”

“You know, you could get charged with assault,” Gray says.

“Did you say that to Gabe when he punched out that guy in the bar a few weeks ago?”

“Oh, that guy harassing Skye!” Georgia shakes her head. “It seems throwing punches has become a Bassett favorite just lately.”

“DO NOT tell Mom!” I bark.

Georgia laughs. “At least tell us what happened, and why were you at Eden’s when Kirk showed up?”

She’s not let up about the night I carried Eden out of the bar, trying to get me to admit my feelings, because that’s what Georgia does. She’s a romantic at heart, I get it. But Eden and I agreed to keep things under wraps.

“She had a fall, if you must know. And I was in the area.” Okay, that isn’t exactly a lie. We had planned for me to be there and have dinner, but fiddly dee. I also just remembered we never got to eat those cupcakes.

“Oh God, is she ok?”

“She’s fine. She just had some swelling and bruising, so I took her to the hospital. Not before Kirk showed up at her door.”

“Ew. What did he want?” Georgia asks bug eyed.

“He wanted to talk to Eden. Maybe he was also trying to slime his way back again, I don’t know.”

“Thank God you were there,” Gray quips dryly. He knew I was going over there to talk to her and have dinner.

“A stroke of luck.” I pop a shoulder.

“And the asshole got really mouthy, insulting her and calling her a bitch. So I punched him.”

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