Page 109 of Brooklyn & Eden

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For all Georgia’s babbling and woo-woo, she sure is good at designing. Celeste arrives shortly after the solar system grand tour and we get down to business.

They’ve created the signature Bassett brand logo of the bull’s head front and center, just the same as our three bourbon whisky bottles have always been. The labels are all sleek, gold foiling with a different watercolor background for each flavor. It looks sophisticated, but not stuffy.

“You girls have done good,” I say, sitting back satisfied. “I think a couple of those tweaks here and there and it’ll be perfect.”

“I’m just glad the family vote finally got through,” Gray says. “It was touch and go there for a while.”

“Hopefully it will all pay off,” I say. “There’s a lot that’s gone into this, and I really need to prove it to Dad and Gabe, especially.”

“Well, I have some suppliers already lined up. A road trip might be in the cards,” Gray says. “I even contacted Casa Cipriani, where I met Hartley in New York, and a few boutique bars. They’re interested in stocking our new brand too.”

I have to hand it to the guy, he stops at nothing to keep pushing the business forward.

“That’s awesome. Who knows what will be next.”

“Next will be the launch,” Georgia says. “And the tasting room party. Don’t worry, me and Eden can organize everything. The first batch is almost ready, right?” Gray and I both give her the nod. “Great, then we can start planning the event. I already got the local gazette on board and some PR companies, media and influencers when I reached out as an expression of interest. I just have to name the day and time.”

“Perfect, Sis. You did good.” I glance at Celeste. “And thanks for helping with the design. The new apparel line looks great.” She designed our new staff uniforms as well as merch for the retail store when she started working for us a few months ago. We’re just waiting for the winter vests and jackets to arrive.

“Thanks.” She smiles. “I think the bullhorns logo is a real draw card. People know it, so you’ve got the advantage there. The new brand isn’t starting out from scratch in that respect.”

“That’s a very good point,” Gray says. “Time will tell, but I’m sure it’s going to do well.”

“It better, or it’s my ass on the line.” I rise up out of my seat and straighten out, ready to get back to the rickhouse and I need to text Eden and see how she is.

“You’ll be fine,” Georgia assures me on my way out. “Just be careful for the next week or two until this whole Mercury thing is over with.”

“I’ll be sure to do that,” I holler.

“No more punching people, even if they do deserve it!” are her last words as I saunter away to the safety and sanctity of the cellar.

I pull out my cell, feeling weary. Not just from the late-night shenanigans with Eden, but this whole thing this morning with my family has taken it out of me. Even if I’m pleased with the way the meeting went, I didn’t want everyone knowing about the Kirk thing, though I know in the long run it’s unavoidable. I don’t want my mom getting worried about me. She’ll jump on the Georgia train and start giving me tips on how to keep my cool as well. I’m not hot-headed in the slightest, but I’d taken all I could stand of Kirk’s bullshit.


Hey baby doll, how are you since I left?

A message shoots back by the time I’m at the bottom of the stairs.


I’m okay. My hip is a little sore and I don’t think it's just from the fall ??‍??

I press my lips together and chuckle to myself. Oh dear. I wondered if we’d maybe gone a little too far when I jumped in the shower with her and gave her a good morning gift from behind.


I hope I didn’t hurt you


I’m surprisingly perky. Though it hurts to walk


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