Page 106 of Brooklyn & Eden

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“So no regrets coming back to work with us all?” I chuckle.

“None whatsoever. If anything I regret not coming back sooner.”

“I’m glad it’s all come together. And that knockout girlfriend of yours can’t be half bad.”

He chuckles. “Thanks, bro. How’s your non divorce coming along by the way? Did you get any further with things last night?”

“Well, between her slipping getting out of the bathtub and me finding her on the floor, things were okay.”

“Fuck, is she ok?”

“Yeah, luckily I got there when I did. Then her asshole ex showed up at the door.”

He gives me a strange look.

“It’s ok, I took care of the asshole. He’s long gone.”

“Sounds like one hell of a night.”

“It was. Never a dull moment.” I glance at him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner about the non divorce. So much has been going on lately, I lost track of who knew and who didn’t.”

“I get it. Women troubles are never easy. How is Eden about it all?”

“She was mad at first, but I think she’s okay now.” I’m trying to keep my lips as pursed as possible.

“Hart meant what she said yesterday, she will help you guys out. Anything you need, she’s your gal, you know that.”

I nod. “Yeah, man, thanks.”

“You’re still sweet on her, aren’t you?”

“I don’t think I ever stopped being sweet on her,” I admit. “You learn these things as you get older.”

“Well, don’t give up on it, if it's what you want,” he says. He steps in to make his coffee as I finish off mine. “It would have been easy for me to do that after my bitch ex tried to take me for everything. But somehow I still believed in finding the right one.”

“Well, you did good this time, I have to hand it to ya.”

Gray chuckles. “Thanks.”

“How’s Coyote Run?”

“It’ll be even better when the house is built.”

“Townhouse life a little tricky getting used to?” I muse. Since he’s living with Hart after the cabin fire.

“It’s not so bad. I can’t wait to be back living here though.”

It’s the reason he came home in the first place, so I can’t really blame him.

We walk out with our coffee at the same time we run into Georgia-Blue.

She’s like a mini tornado gliding past us down the hall to her office, carrying an armload of merch.

“Woah, watch out, little Sister.”

“Wait, don’t go anywhere!” she hollers.

“The meeting hasn’t started yet,” I tell her.

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