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He’d wanted me to arrest him this entire time?

“I didn’t like watching my sister fuckin’ break when it came to you,” he said darkly. “And you left because of me. You wanted her to choose you, and she wouldn’t. Not after the childhood we had. Our bond is something you’ll never understand. But now, she doesn’t have to choose. I’m going away for a long time, and you’re going to keep her safe while I’m there.”

“About that…”

“A full confession. Zero desire for a lawyer right now. And the assurance that everything was all him, and he hid everything from Shayne,” the chief said. “That’s about the best outcome you could’ve asked for.”

I headed back to the hospital to be with my girl, only to find out that she’d checked herself out of the hospital AMA—against medical advice—and disappeared.

“Where is she?” I snapped at Atlas, who was talking to a harried looking nurse.

Atlas looked over and scratched the back of his head. “I was takin’ a piss and came back to find her gone.”

“Well, fuck.”

Ande: I swear nothing in this world smells better than the person you love.

Shayne: Have you ever walked past a Cinnabon?

—Text between Ande and Shayne


I’d been released from jail, a.k.a. the hospital.

Okay, that might be an exaggeration.

I’d released myself.

I wasn’t too sure why. All I knew was that I was having a really fuckin’ hard time breathing there.

If I’d known what I know now before I left, I probably would’ve stayed my ass put.

But all I could think about, the longer Quinn was away, was his assurance that we would make it. And how he wasn’t asking me my opinions.

In one day, I’d been hit in the face by a door, assaulted by a police officer I knew hated me, gone to the hospital and found out that I had a baby living inside of me who hadn’t made it, and been told that my life was about to change by the man who had wrecked my entire world.

Anyone, and I do mean anyone, would’ve been overwhelmed.

And Atlas being there was the final straw.

He was treating me like I was his brother’s beloved girl, and not someone he’d thrown away years and years ago. He was talking about Quinn’s new place. How I would make it a home. How Quinn had built it with me in mind.

Needless to say, when he’d gone to the bathroom, I’d gotten dressed in my bloody clothes and walked out.

Which led me to now.

My purse was useless.

Why was it useless?

When Ande had brought it to me, after having stopped by to grab it along with my cell phone, I’d been happy to know that I wasn’t stranded.

Only, after a quick visit to an ATM to grab cash—because I knew I could hide longer with cash—I’d found out a few very hard truths.

One, I couldn’t go home because the house was now an official crime scene.

Two, not only had the police department seized all the accounts that my brother was a part of, but apparently mine, too.

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