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Chapter Twenty-Four - Marc

“You got everything you need for the appointment? I don’t want us to be late.”

“I’m ready.” Felicia huffs as she gets up from the couch because her belly’s so big now. “Doctor Roth doesn’t mind if we’re a few minutes late. She knows how hard it is for me to get up and down these days.”

On our way to see Doctor Roth, I held onto her hand the entire way there. I don’t know why, but I’ve been so touchy/feely lately, and she loves every minute of it. This is different for me; being so affectionate. I thought I'd be this way when I first got married, but the feelings I feel for Fellicia are indescribable.

“I have a surprise for you after the appointment,” I say. “I’ve already cleared your schedule at work and made sure your clients know you’ll be out of the office this week.”

“Really? A surprise that’s taking me away from the office for a whole week? Wow. How did a girl like me ever get so lucky.”

Our visit with Doctor Roth goes as planned. Our baby girl, whom I want to name Kylie Rae Josephs, is growing big and healthy. She’s got the largest head on her, which makes mommy-to-be nervous as hell for the birth, but I assure her everything will be alright.

After our visit, we don’t even stop at home for anything to take with us on our trip. It's straight to the airport for our private flight to a place I know Felicia will love to be right about now. I've also got a special guest meeting us there. Someone I know she’ll be ecstatic to see.

She doesn’t know a thing, but I have her mom and Jeppie on board with this trip. He and I were finally able to sit down and hash out our differences enough to plan a special trip for Felicia during the final month of her pregnancy. She hasn’t been back to Puerto Rico for a long time, according to Melissa, so I decided to step outside of my comfort zone completely and plan something more family oriented.

“Sweetheart.” I gently tapped her shoulder to let her know we’re here. “Wake up, we’re here.”

She wakes up and sees that we’ve landed on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico and now she’s wearing a smile from ear to ear.

“Your favorite place in the world,” I say, helping her down from the jet. “We’ve got a lot in store this week. So be ready for an emotional ride.”

“Are you serious right now!?” she gleams. “I hate that my first time back here has to be while I'm so pregnant I can barely walk, but I'm excited to be here!”

We head over to the nicest resort on the island. I’ve got friends in all the right places it seems. Every time I take Felicia somewhere new, she gets to learn something new about me, professionally.

“Oh my gosh, Marc! This is beautiful!” she gleams as we enter our stay.

Our resort is secluded in the depths of the rainforest. Our bedroom is an all glass dome with a perfect view of the sky and trees that line the forest. There’s a gorgeous waterfall only feet away and exotic fruit trees at the reach of our fingertips.

“I knew you would love this,” I say, helping her inside. “Just wait until you see the spread we're having at dinner tonight. We also have a special guest joining us. I've already had our wardrobe and everything set up in the room, so no need to worry about that.”

My thoughtfulness brings tears to her eyes. All the emotion makes me love her even more than I already did. Every ounce of doubt I had about our relationship moving forward has completely vanished. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us at the next stages of life, but for now, I'm going to make sure she has the best time in Puerto Rico.

“How long did you have all of this panned out?” she asks.

“For a while now,” I chuckle. “The day you let me back into your world was the day I started thinking of something extravagant to do. Melissa helped me come up with the idea.”

“Did she? She must really like you. Either that, or you paid her.”

After getting settled in, taking a tour of the island, and doing some shopping, Felicia and I come back to the resort to get ready for dinner. I’ve been talking about our surprise guest the entire time, leaving her wondering who it could be.

“I’m nervous,” she says as I lead her into a beach front restaurant. “What if this special guest of yours isn’t someone I like?”

“Relax,” I chuckle. “These people come in peace and mean no harm at all. I think you’ll be happy to see who’s here.”

She’s happy to be in Puerto Rico, but she’s not really a fan of surprises. She says somehow, someway, something always goes wrong during a surprise. She likes to know what she’s getting herself into upfront, that way she can back out if she knows it’s something she’s not ready for.

“Our table is right over there.”

I point in the direction of the most perfect view of the beach where the sun is setting against the ocean. When her gaze lifts away from the waves crashing against the shore, she sees her mother and two children at our table.

“Wh-what are they doing here?” she tears up. “You really got my mom and my dad to be in the same room without there being an argument?”

“It was a hassle,” I say. “they’re both still a bit angry with me, but for the sake of the baby and wanting to keep you happy, they agreed to come. Your mom also brought your siblings along. Twins? Pretty crazy to see her with twins.”

“My heart is racing so fast right now. I can’t believe my dad and I are both here, in Puerto Rico. And you two have hashed it out? Is this what you’ve been doing behind the scenes all this time?”

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