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It's exactly what I've been doing behind the scenes. Since Felicia and I are having a baby and planning a life together, we’re all going to be family for life. I never wanted any of my children to grow up in broken homes, so I have made right with Jeppie and Judy. I didn’t get this opportunity with Kyle’s mother, but I'm taking full control over this one with Felicia.

“Mom? Dad?” Felicia sobs as we approach the table where our guests are waiting. “What are you guys doing here?”

“We're here for you, honey,” Judy says. “Marc, by the grace of God, was able to sit us down and talk some sense about all this.”

Both Judy and Jeppie smile largely and stand up to give their daughter the warmest, longest hug. They hug her for so long I almost forgot that they aren’t the only people here. And once they’re done with her, to my surprise, they both lean in and hug me too.

“Let me introduce you two to the twins,” Judy says. “This is Rachel, and this is Donnie.”

The children stand up next to her and wow, they look exactly alike. I didn’t notice from the pictures in Judy’s home how much they look alike but seeing them together is like looking at clones.

“Hello.” Felicia smiles and wipes her tears away. “I’m Felicia. Your big sister.”

“And I’m Marc.”

“Hi.” The kids smile and speak at the same time.

I pull out a chair for Felicia to sit down. I know she needs it after carrying her weight and emotions around all day. I can’t believe I got Judy and the kids, and Jeppie, to come out here for this. I can’t believe neither of them are trying to claw out my eyes right now for getting Felicia pregnant. They were so against it before, I wonder what changed their mind.

“Thank you for coming out, Judy, Jeppie,” I say. “I know we aren’t on the smoothest path with this right now, but I thank you both for at least giving me a chance to make it right.”

“It’s still unbelievable,” Judy sighs and raises her eyebrows. “But what can we do about it at this point? I’m just ready to meet my granddaughter.”

She glances at Felicia’s round belly and smiles a soft smile. So do I. I’m always staring at her belly like I can’t believe there’s a baby in there. I'm still in disbelief that Judy’s sitting at the dinner table with us. Not only does she have issues with me, but she’s also got them with Jeppie.

“I’m just happy that we’ve all been able to come together,” Jeppie says. “I never thought I'd get over something like this, but it’s slowly but surely coming together for me. Maybe once the baby’s finally here I'll be able to get all the way over the hill.”

The food comes out and I'm highly impressed. So is Judy, and the twins. I ordered Felicia’s favorite salmon and rice balls, with a side of Pho. For Judy, I ordered her all-time favorite, seafood stuffed shells with an extra side of shrimp. For the twins, shrimp tacos with chocolate milkshakes. A weird combination if you ask me. Jeppie was surprised to see I still knew what his favorite dish was, medium rare steak and mashed potatoes with extra gravy.

Things are going perfectly. Better than I ever imagined they would. Judy is in very good spirits and is asking all kinds of questions about Felicia’s life and what she does for work. She shared with all of us her plans to start her own business again. And also, about her plans to get a nanny.

“A nanny?” Judy frowns. “Why a nanny when she'll have a perfectly capable grandmother who can look after her?”

“And a grandfather who will be happy to take her,” Jeppie adds.

“Well, I don't know,” Felicia chuckles. “I don’t know what your schedule will be like these days. You may be too busy to help me.”

They both give her a really serious look. Judy’s is an almost saddened look that makes Felicia instantly regret what she said. I know she didn’t intend to make Judy feel bad or taint this greatness with memories of their strained relationship, but I see that Judy takes it that way.

“I’m putting my best foot forward from here on out,” Judy says. “Marc and I had a long talk about life, and he’s helped me see what I couldn’t before. He's helped me accept a lot of things and moving forward, I will do my best to make sure I'm there for you in every way I can be.”

“And Judy has helped me as well,” I say. “She nearly rang my neck beforehand, but we’re good now.”

We all laugh and continue sharing stories about our lives. The twins let Felicia and I in on a few secrets about Judy and what she’s been like over the years. All in all, this dinner has been amazing and I'm sure spending time bonding with them in Puerto Rico will be even better.

Chapter Twenty-Five - Felicia

Puerto Rico was nothing shy of amazing. Marc really outdid himself. My mother and I are better than ever, and I’ve even been spending one on one time with the twins since we’ve been back home. My dad has been coming to see me every single day. He and Marc have gone to a few poker games and have started to rebuild their bond, even though there’s still some awkwardness there. But, for the most part, we’re all getting along.

“Mel, how would you feel about taking over my lease here? I’m thinking of moving back in with Marc. He's been asking me to come home nonstop and I think it’s time I do so.”

“Ar-are you sure?” Mel stutters but looks ecstatic all in the same breath.

“I’m sure,” I say. “I think this place will be great for you. You've always talked about living in New York. Now, you don’t even have to go apartment shopping.”

She's so happy and on board with this, she lunges into my arms, nearly knocking me down.

“Oh! I'm sorry!” she squeals. “I’m just so happy for this opportunity!”

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