Page 52 of One Hellish Passion

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“That’s rude,” he frowned.

Maya fisted her fingers.

“Oh, it’s not like that Ranveer. Maya is more kind than me, but it takes time for her to show it to people. She is very introvert at times. Doesn’t open up that easily.”

“I wish she opens up to me,” he said almost instantly and winked at Maya.

Had he meant it in the other way? Opening up? Only to him? Damn! That’s why he winked.

“I am here because I wanted to give you this,” he quickly handed the envelope to her.

“What’s this?”

“Your mother’s next appointments list. Aman has arranged everything, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Maya's face glowed. He really had gotten her mother’s appointments with the therapist confirmed, and that meant he had paid a huge sum to make it happen, considering he got the best available and nearest dates for the therapy.


“Now, can I get a coffee, or should I get out?” he playfully asked.

Of course, she couldn't push him out after this. She rolled her eyes.

“I will make the coffee.”

She headed to the kitchen, and without a delay Ranveer too followed her. Garima and Pammi didn’t stop him. He did look totally smitten by Maya.

Chapter 16

Maya’s Apartment

In the kitchen, Ranveer followed close behind Maya, catching a hint of her floral scent. Unable to stop himself, he moved closer.

“You know, this nightdress is dangerously alluring,” he murmured near her ear.

Maya turned to face Ranveer, her eyes flashing. Ranveer smiled roguishly, enjoying her flustered reaction. Maybe he could melt her cold exterior after all.

“We don't need to keep up this act when it's just us,” she said sharply. “No need to pretend we're in some passionate relationship when there's no audience.”

Ranveer held back a grin, stepping back as she had demanded. “Are you okay? The way you left the party last night got me worried” he said, his tone playful rather than remorseful.

Maya's eyes narrowed. “I'll be fine if you stop crowding me in my own house,” she replied tersely.

Ranveer smirked, seeming more amused than chastened by her irritation. “As you wish,” he said lightly, raising his hands in mock defeat and moving further away.

Inside though, he felt a spark of excitement at her fiery reaction. Getting under her skin was proving entertaining, though he knew he should tread carefully. Riling her up too much could backfire.

He studied her discreetly as she busied herself making coffee. Her cheeks were still flushed from their encounter, tendrils of dark hair grazing her neck. She was a captivating mix of strength and vulnerability, he mused. And he looked forward to slowly unraveling all her mysteries.

“I can't talk about the deal before your mother. So, I followed you here,” Ranveer said.

Maya understood. She poured the coffee into mugs.

“Did Kunal call you again after last night?” he asked.

Maya swallowed hard and handed him the mug. “No, but if he calls me, I will tell you. Rest assured.”

Ranveer shook his head dismissively. “I can't wait for him to call you. My ways of working are different,” he sipped the coffee. “You will call him this evening.”

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