Page 39 of One Hellish Passion

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“Are you meeting him today?” Garima asked curiously.

“Whom, Mom?” Maya kept looking for her things.

“Ranveer,” she replied.

Maya stopped her actions and stared at her mother. She wanted to tell her that it's all a lie. But then she recollected the tempting offer he gave her to spend on her mother’s treatment because that’s not something she could arrange again so easily, considering she used almost all of it in this recent hospitalization.

“Yes. He said he will call, and—” she tried to build some statement.

Garima pulled her closer and hugged Maya tight.

“I was beginning to worry. Thank God you are not breaking up with that man. He genuinely seems interested in you.”

Maya gulped. That wasn’t true. He was just behind her for something else.

“Please invite him for dinner sometime. I will be glad to know more about him.”

Maya struggled to give her a reply.

“Sure. But don’t expect it to be any sooner. I am going to be hell busy, Mom. You know I have never taken leaves like this at a stretch.”

“I know,” Garima wiped her face. “What’s his age? He looks quite young, but the way he dresses up and that power he holds over money and words, I doubt anyone so young can achieve it.”

Maya had no clue again. She didn’t know anything about him except a little which she had just heard about from some acquaintances and media.

“I have to go, Mom. I am getting late. We will talk about this tonight. Bye. Love you.”

She kissed Garima’s forehead and headed out of the room. Garima sighed that she couldn’t dig much about her daughter’s choice of man. But she was sure time would brief her completely.


The entire day, Maya was busy in her work at Blitz. She had back-to-back training sessions with the new batch of models. Then she attended a conference with the management heads and got to know about the Hong Kong Client’s interest in extending the deal for the next three events. She was also made aware that Ranveer Malhotra was soon going to host a party for the success of their last event.

After finishing her work, late in the evening, she came back to the parking lot to drive out in her car when a metallic black SUV stopped before her. The chauffeur got down.

“Ma’am, I am here to take you to Paradise,” he informed.

Maya was puzzled at the sudden invitation.

“But I have my car. I can drive myself.”

“Someone will get your car parked there. Don’t worry. This way, please,” the chauffeur opened the car door for her. Maya nodded at him wide-eyed and then got inside. She was uncomfortable. This didn’t seem right. She had never made such a deal before, and she wondered if she could consider every little aspect of it to cover her dignity and rights. She couldn’t let him have the upper hand this time. In twenty minutes, she reached Paradise. This time she didn’t need to make any entry at the lobby. She was given the codes of the elevator, and she accelerated to the top floor of the building, where he lived.

Laura, as usual, greeted her, and this time with a known smile.

“Please be seated. Sir will be out shortly.”

Laura left, and Maya stood in the middle of the large living room. This house was too big for just one person to live in. But she was no one to judge that. She kept striding at the walls where the expensive paintings and artwork were displayed. She had never seen such beautiful work before.

“Everything you see around is classic.”

She turned around to his voice from behind her. Ranveer was wearing a black robe, and a servant followed him, carrying two glasses filled with some orange fluid. He placed the glasses on the table and walked away, leaving just the two of them.

“This one here,” Ranveer pointed to a wall painting. “It’s from Paris. I bought it in an auction for 20 million.”

Maya glanced at the expensive artwork once and then gazed back at him.

“Have you called me here to flaunt your luxury?” she asked.

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