Page 216 of One Hellish Passion

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Maya was astonished to see Dhruv reacting so harshly to Ranveer. Her heart ached witnessing the two brothers at odds.

“Dhruv, don't make me hit you,” Ranveer scoffed.

“No, hit me, bro. Just hit me. Let it out,” Dhruv goaded. “I'm done with this… with the pity you keep showering on me.”

That was it. Ranveer struck him hard across the face. Though Dhruv braced for impact, he couldn't avoid the blow and stumbled to the floor. He gingerly touched his throbbing cheek, staring in shock at his brother. He hadn't expected Ranveer to punch him so strongly. Daadi froze, never imagining Ranveer would hit Dhruv. Everyone stood speechless except Ranveer, who knelt down to Dhruv's level.

“It hurt, didn’t it?” he asked softly. “Never call my brother a coward. He's not.”

Dhruv gazed back at Ranveer, moved by his words. Ranveer extended his hand, and Dhruv didn't hesitate to accept his support. He needed to apologize for his words.

“Standing by a brother's side, lending a hand in moments of need, offering solace during tough times, shielding him when the world turns hostile – none of these actions diminish your worth in my eyes. I understand your capabilities better than you realize. Maa gave birth to you but you learnt to walk holding my hand. Maa cooked for you but I have fed you when you refrained from eating. Maa took care of you when you fell sick and I …. I have prayed for you to get well soon again. I lost my father, my only support at a very tender age but I never wanted you to face that vacuum in your life despite having a father like Dev Malik who never had time for you. I have treated you like my brother but more than that I considered you as my son, Dhruv. I wouldn't extend such care and devotion even to my own flesh and blood.”

Dhruv swallowed hard. Every word Ranveer spoke resonated deeply within him, stirring tears and touching his soul. He badly needed to apologize for what he said to Ranveer.

“I'm sorry, Bro. I messed up bad.”

“Enough,” Ranveer cupped Dhruv's jaw, checking for any signs of injury from the punch. “Does it hurt?”

“Badly,” Dhruv admitted. “But…” he attempted to smile through the pain. “I deserved it. I'm sorry.”

Dhruv embraced Ranveer tightly. “Kunal bhai hates me, Dad is behind bars. I don’t know what to do. And honestly, I don't think I want to use any of the Malik's money. It's blood money, Bro. They've tortured and cheated people to earn it. I don't want any share in it.”

Ranveer pulled away and met Dhruv's gaze. “It's your decision. My role was to ensure you didn't face any injustice. I did my part. Now it's your turn. If you don't want this money, return it or donate it to charity. I don't care. I believe you can build your own empire one day, without anyone's support. I believe in you.”

His encouraging words spurred Dhruv to make a final decision. He would talk to his father and refuse any claim to the property.

“I love you so much, Bro. I just love you,” Dhruv attempted to laugh, but winced in pain. “Ouch.”

Ranveer felt a pang of sympathy. “Come here, sit. Let me get an ice pack.”

“Please,” Dhruv agreed, taking a seat on the couch. Maya rushed to the kitchen to fetch the ice pack, while Garima approached Dhruv.

“You two really scared me today,” Garima ruffled Dhruv's hair and sat beside him. “But I'm glad you've sorted things out.”

“Sorted?” Dhruv exclaimed. “Aunty, if I knew my brother's punch would almost break my jaw, I would never have started this fight.”

Garima chuckled at his jest, and Daadi, unsure how to react, realized that despite their quarrel, Ranveer's explanation had softened her heart. Dhruv was truly fortunate to have a brother like Ranveer, and she was proud that he was her grandson.

Two Days later

Maya had arranged a dinner at Paradise tonight, inviting Dhruv. While everything was set, she realized she forgot to pick up the ice cream. Amidst her preparations, Garima took it upon herself to make the quick run to the store. Following Ranveer’s strict protocol, she used his vehicle and was accompanied by a guard, a staple in Ranveer's security measures for each one from their family. After purchasing their favorite ice creams, as Garima was about to return to the car, she noticed a woman attempting to cross the road, flagging down cars in her intoxicated state. Recognizing her as Adira, Garima's heart raced with concern. It was dangerous for her to cross the road in that situation.

“Guard,” Garima called out urgently. “Take me to that woman—right now.”

The guard, also her driver, swiftly started the engine and drove them across the road. Adira's reckless attempts to cross hadn't ceased, and a speeding car nearly collided with her before Garima managed to pull her back in the nick of time. Adira, startled, glared back at Garima.

“What are you doing?” Garima exclaimed.

Adira, struggling to focus, recognized Garima and erupted in fury. “Crossing the road. Can't you see? And don't touch me. Get away.”

Despite Adira's protests, Garima attempted to assist her, but Adira shoved her away, stumbling in the process.

“You are drunk. You should get home.”

“Home? Which home?” Adira laughed. “That home where… where my father is planning to marry you and bring you in?”

Garima swallowed. She clearly didn’t want the marriage to happen.

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