Page 7 of Bound By Watchers

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With a wave of his hand, Kiranon summoned an ethereal landscape in the middle of the room. I could see the entirety of Zurethe, with Avari above Norclère, and the Sèlie and Un’Sèlie Courts within. He zoomed in with his fingers and a massive tower took prominence in some cloudy land above Avari itself.

“This region of Zurethe is called Urien,” he began. “And a Condemned is imprisoned in this tower,” he said.

“What’s a Condemned?”

“Condemned are angels found guilty of breaking our Creed and are now awaiting punishment. We cannot hold this particular Condemned with our other prisoners, so we have locked him away within this tower. We have a job for you, faeretheth.” Kiranon paused. He examined me, seizing me up one last time before continuing. “We’ll take you to the tower where you’ll live with him. Your job is to seduce him and learn one thing: the secret to his ethèr.”

“What in the skies is ethèr?”

“For Alpha’s sake,” Nèrvanya spat. “It’s magic, you dunce. What you fae conjure up for power, we angels possess innately in our bloodstreams. Ethèr makes your magic a joke. Now listen.”

I screwed my mouth shut, cheeks flaming in embarrassment. I knew there was a price to pay for not having too many dealings with the angels. But this level of condescension was exactly why I stayed far away. Kiranon ignored the interruption and continued speaking.

“Once you learn the secret to his ethèr, you will call us and we’ll handle the rest.” A sly grin. “In exchange, you’ll receive restitution. Your mamè’s name in Elèor will be cleared.” A beat. “You’ll have a chance to go home.”

I stilled. I could go home even after my family’s ruin? All I needed to do was seduce some Domenent? Truly, the gods hadn’t forgotten me.

“Done. When do I leave to meet this Condemned?”

The Sky Watchers grinned wickedly. The sight was a beautiful, terrifying thing. What had I just agreed to?

“We thank you for your swift compliance, Temptress of Un’Sèlie.” A flash crossed Kiranon’s eyes. “We leave now.”

Before I could protest, a swirl of mist surfaced in the room. They yanked me through a portal, and in a blink, everything I’ve ever known disappeared.


“The gods punish you for this,” I seethed.

Dropping onto the cloudy ground, I tipped back, losing my balance. Before I hit the ground, Kiranon reached out with a wing and caught me. His wing helped me straighten out and regain my balance. The angels laughed me to scorn.

“We’d take your gods head on and win, Un’Sèlie Temptress.”

Kiranon and his siblings towered over me, their height painting them like demigods. Nèrvanya sneered at me. Her brother jabbed her in the ribs, whispering something into the winged curve of her ear I couldn’t hear. Kiranon must’ve heard him because he nodded with shining eyes that remained glued to my frame.

I looked away from him, working to tame my curls. Beneath the radiant suns, the deep purple illuminated with lavender highlights. Tucking the strands back into my place, I brushed the length of my skirts and looked around. I gasped, blinking at the splendor sprawled before me, dumbfounded.


A massive swarm of fluctuating tents surrounded us, their full size impossible to see without turning my head. I took it all in, fighting tears. Avari was beautiful beyond comparison. Interconnected by iridescent ramparts barricaded by billows of cloud, a sprawl of the tents stretched out in all directions. Most were leathery and sheer, with thick straps showing the Sky Watchers floating inside.

“Avari is stunning,” I murmured, looking between the tents.

Laughter echoed around me. My nose scrunched as I turned to look at the Sky Watchers, confused. Nèrvanya giggled behind a hand as her brothers choked on their laughter.

“Faeretheth know nothing.”

“Dèravhen, don’t be so cruel,” Nèrvanya smirked, elbowing his side. “It’s not her fault she’s ignorant.”

My cheeks burned as the angels wore proud grins on their prepossessing faces.

“Silly little fae,” Kiranon shook his head. “This isn’t Avari.” He gestured to somewhere far away. I followed the length of his wing to where he pointed. My jaw dropped at the glory stretching out beyond. A hot breath in my ear curled my toes as Kiranon whispered, “That is.”

A kingdom, the likes of which I had never seen, was perfectly balanced above a massive foundation of iridescent clouds in the distance. Rivers tumbled into the stars of space at its edges, while angels flew through and above its elaborate streets. I couldn’t pick out all the details from where I stood, but I could make out colorful high standing trees, clear rivers, glass towers, and a bustling world of angels.

A world fae would never see. Envy curdled my gut. What I wouldn’t give to go to Avari and experience its majesty, even if for a day.

“Don’t bother dreaming, fae. It’ll never happen.”

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