Page 46 of Bound By Watchers

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My thirst for vengeance. My need to release the pent up emotion through bucking the fae without restraint. The uncontrolled anger I carried that turned into murderous plunders. Rotting skies. The Alpha came to visit me in the flesh. Just how much trouble was I in, exactly?

“I failed you.” My head remained bowed. “I betrayed my oaths. Broke the Creed. Violated your command. It’s why I’m here.”

“Is it?” The simple question weighed me down, pressing me lower on my knees. “Pray tell, Domenent of Dèrneveil, Judge of all Judges, Warrior of all Watchers. What exactly have you done that has chained you here and left you in such misery?”

I closed my eyes, feeling the tears well up again.

“It was so long ago.” I turned away from him, my neck hot with shame. “I was young, and tired, and so burning hungry,” I whispered.

Promptly, the memories flooded back. Flashes of bloody battle. Eating honey from a dead carcass. Cheers of victory. Parading around the heads of the dead. Drinking endless goblets of sweet angel wine before losing myself in hot mating with angel and fae, often both at the same time.


It was the first time I’d broken my nazèri vows.

It also wasn’t my last.

I convulsed with guilt, wishing I could look past what I’d done. I remembered now with precision the extent of my pride. The arrogance in my gait. My entitlement to power and pleasure. I’d taken both until I claimed all. I hung my head, awaiting judgement.

The Alpha said nothing. He merely sat there watching me. Listening to what I said, and what I didn’t, with patience. An ocean of love radiated in his fiery gaze. Something in me broke at the sight, causing my repentance to spill out.

“I am a High Prince. A Domenent Judge. A Nazèri,” I declared into the quiet, owning up to my wrongs. “I was born to watch, protect, and maintain order. You gave us clear instructions. Principles. We’re not to touch the dead. Drink strong drink. Cut our hair. But I’ve broken my vows many times over. I lacked character. Integrity. Morals.” My nostrils flared, sickened at the truth. “I’m appalled at my own actions throughout the millethium. And…” I broke out sobbing again, full of regret at how many times I’d taken advantage of the grace he’d bestowed upon me. “Alpha, I repent and beg your forgiveness. If I am to be demoted as Judge, then so be it. But I beg, please forgive me. Remove this sin, this weight, from me. I pledge again to uphold my oaths. I will honor the Creed and serve the angels as I was commissioned to do.”

“High Prince Zhèmrazraèl the Strong.”

A hand of fire touched my shoulder. Like a bolt of lightning, the flame went through my body, purging all immorality. In moments, a millethium of rage and debauchery washed away, leaving me feeling new. Whole.

“My Domenent. You’re still my Chosen. You’re forgiven and you’re free.”

I snapped my head up, and floated into the air, just in time before my ethèr broke loose. Supernatural strength flooded my bloodstream. The blinking light poured out of me as ethèr shot out of my body and into the Sanctum. It seeped into the walls of the tower.

Then a rumbling began. The tower quaked. Clouds beyond the tower sparkled with electric heat and light. I heard snapping sounds, like branches breaking. After a rush of fire within, I could feel the bonds on my wrists and ankles snapping off.

As the sound quieted down, not only was I filled with immeasurable peace, I knew I was finally free of my bondage to the tower. I blinked away the light, laughing through my tears. Elation filled my bones.

I was free.

I whipped around, ready to sing my thanks, but the Alpha was gone.

The Sanctum shook with the weight of his presence as if he was still there. I could almost feel him patting me on the shoulder, beaming with pride. His prodigal had returned.

Grinning ear to ear, I was about to fly out of the Sanctum when something sparkling caught my eye. Though the Alpha was gone, something remained in his place. When I looked closer, I chuckled, triumphant. Because perched at the center of his cloudchair was a bean.


I stirred in the dark. The ground was hot, clammy, and filthy. I’d relieved myself twice in the opposite corner. Now I sat sickened by the odors in the cage. The vomit on my hem had dried. The stench of old urine and aged blood flooded my nostrils. Around the cage I heard screaming, shouting, before everything fell quiet. I remained by the wall, clutching my knees to my chest, hiding in the shadows.

Mother had always warned me to beware the wrath of the angels. I’d never taken her too seriously, especially when I’d learned just how many she’d taken as lovers before she passed. Now sitting in this cage, her premonitions blared like sirens. Fear made me numb.

My only solace was the thought of Zhèmson. Our trip to the isles on Sairi. Our walks around the garden. Endless mating. The many secrets we’d share. Hushed promises we’d made. I missed his smile and those dimples. The sway of his locs. His often cocky attitude and proud gait. I missed his gentle touch and his thoughtfulness. How he’d wait for me in the library. How he’d bring me a plate of sweets while I was reading a scroll.

My time in the tower had been bliss. Just as fast, it was all gone.

My eyes burned with tears, but none fell. I dreaded the moment the monster would surface again to claim what didn’t belong to him. I began receding into a far off place in my mind, knowing he’d come for me and do unspeakable things. Terrified, I resolved that no matter what happened, I would survive it.


I curled into myself, ignoring the screams. I was exhausted, hungry, and in pain. The wound on my arm was already becoming infected, and my filthy rags hung on me like a common slave. Demoralized by my circumstances, I bowed my head, praying for a miracle.

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