Page 45 of Bound By Watchers

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“Seal this one well,” one whispered. “In case he comes for her.”

“How in the hells would he do that? He’s been stuck up there so long, most have forgotten him.”

“You think we’d have a riot on our hands if he came back and Avariens learned what we did?”

“He’s not just their Judge, you idiot.” A beat. “He’s their High Prince. If they ever knew what we did, there’d be hells to pay, and we’d be the ones paying it. Let’s hope if he comes for the whore, we can finish him in here once and for all.”

They all nodded in agreement as I fumed with disgust.

It was the Sky Watchers who’d done all of this to Zhèmson in secret. Most Avariens didn’t know. Neither did the fae. Again, I made a prayer in my heart, hoping this God Zhèmson believed in would help him. I hated he was up there, alone, again.

A cloud cloth was placed over my eyes before I was dragged like a sack. After multiple, discombobulating turns, I was flung into something, landing hard on my shoulder. I ground my teeth against tears. I wouldn’t break. Not in front of the angels. The cloth was removed and the same beast from earlier was all that filled my vision.

He had his hand in a place I refused to look at long, as he grinned. It hurt that, though he was monstrous, he was still an angel who was strikingly beautiful. His beauty beat against my defenses, forcing confusing, conflicting thoughts into my mind. How many fae had been tortured like this? Toyed with by their angelic overseers?

“I have work to do, my pet. But when I’m done,” his grin stretched. The radiance was blinding. “You and I are going to have some fun. Let’s see how long it takes before I get you to scream. Your kind usually lasts an hòr.” His eyes flashed. “At most.”

He laughed darkly before pushing to his feet in the air above me and floating out. He hadn’t removed my shackles, which made it difficult to move. I managed to sit upright and shove myself backwards by my feet, scooting back until I was pressed up against a wall. The rock was hard and hot, but felt safer than remaining close to the bars of this cage.

The Sky Watchers locked me in and grinned like the monsters they were. The chief among them kept his eyes on me, licking his lips, fondling himself, right there in front of his peers.

“This one looks like she’ll give you a good time.”

He laughed.

“Mm. I bet she will. But first, the Contest.”

With that, they all flew off. The moment they were gone, in the prison's blackness, I bowed my head and tumbled into tears.



I fell to the floor, face buried in the carpet. Sobs I’d stifled for a millethium rose inside of me, pouring out in waves. How long had I been locked away up here? Who even remembered me? Who cared?

The Daughter of Sèlie does.

The answer only made me sob harder.

I wanted revenge against the Sky Watchers. Wanted to return to Norclère and demand the fae repent. But I knew deep down, none of them could have the power to do this to me. It was my own sins against my nazèri vows that left me here.

Anguish rocked through my body, physically crippling me. Quaking with anger, shame, and defeat, I sobbed like a newborn seedling until a splitting headache pulsed at my temples. Until I struggled for breath.


I choked on my tears, lifting my head. The Sanctum had returned to its former quiet. I scanned the chamber until I found the source of the voice inside my mind. In the first row, legs crossed, perched comfortably in one of the cloudchairs, was a figure.

He sat with pristine posture, muscled body draped in ornate silk adorned in rare gemstones. His skin was an ethereal substance I couldn’t quite make out. As if he were made from the purest stone or the eldest star. His eyes were like flaming fire, his hair perfectly coiffed like styled wool. A crackling light sparkled every time he breathed or tapped his booted foot. Dressed from head to toe in gold and ivory, with a billowing cape woven of cloud and feathers filling the Sanctum behind him, I didn’t have to guess who it was. Still sniffling, I bowed low, bringing my head to his sandal.

“Great Alpha. I don’t deserve such an honor.”

“And why do you believe such a thing, High Prince Zhèmrazraèl the Strong?”

His voice flowed like many waters. It sang melodically, like a symphony. I trembled before him, knowing I was unworthy. Unholy.

I flushed as my past actions flashed in my mind, racing like a vision reel, clearly depicting everything I’d done that led me to this moment. I watched myself ripping Sky Watchers apart, easily shedding blood. Watched as I bent Daliah over, pounding into her until my lust had been satiated. I cringed at how I dominated my Vèrtu, so focused on myself that I never thought about how they felt. After all, I was the captive. They were all free. Yet as the millethium passed, they’d never left my side.

I bowed my head at the display of my past actions.

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