Page 12 of Bound By Watchers

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I grinned. If this angel thought I was like any other fae, he had another thing coming.


One thing was sure, and two things were certain.

This tower was made for angels and not fae.

Everything was too long. Too big. Too high. I paused, bending over to catch my breath, as I looked at how far I’d walked. When I saw my progress, I wanted to cry.

With all that stomping, I only made it halfway down the hall. Gods. This would be some kind of hell. I stood tall, taking one last breath, before continuing.

Lofty windows surrounded me, opened to the outdoors. I was quiet while looking at the cloudy landscape beyond. It was impressive, with varying clouds ranging from pastel hues to horizon glows. There was a calm to them, like untouched rivers in the night. A breeze beside me lifted heavy curtains framing the windows, as though someone moved them. When I looked closely, there was no one there.

The Sky Watchers had said this tower was a prison. But even I could admit, this looked more like a hidden paradise.

I kept walking. There were no doors on this level. No disguised entryways or secret passages, I could tell. When I reached the end of the hall and turned, I stumbled upon more windows and portraits. My heart constricted. I just needed to find a room and refresh for a bit.

I cursed myself.

Surely if I’d held my tongue, the Condemned would’ve at least showed me where to sleep. I huffed, tramping down the hall. I felt like I was in an oversized maze. To see anything, I had to crane my neck, looking up at the long planes of stone that glimmered under the emitting suns. There was a freshness in the air that calmed me. Touches of lemon verbena and mist graced the elongated space. A small breeze whispered to my right. I looked over but saw nothing.

And yet.

It’s as if there was something there. Something invisible trying to guide me.

“This tower is considerably odder than I’d perceived,” I mumbled. “Far be it from me to protest against help, though.” I looked around, feeling lost and foolish, but determined to find a place to rest. “I’m looking for my room? Well, any will have to do. Where do I go?”

I waited, looking around to see if some magical guide would pop up and lead the way.

Nothing happened.

I waited longer, hoping I’d get a nudge in the right direction. Several beats passed, and I realized I was a moron in silk, lost in a tower made for a superior species. I sighed, miserable, turning to keep walking.

A tug on the hem of my gown halted me. I whipped around, looking down to see the culprit. But there was nothing there.

I frowned.

Let’s see if you don’t go mad first.

Was I losing my mind?

I backed away and kept walking. Plush rugs cushioned my slippers. Peeking around, making positively sure I was alone, I kicked them off and picked them up. A sigh of contentment escaped me. The rugs felt divine. I walked with ease until I reached the end. I stumbled upon a bend that revealed a fork in the path, with several darkened halls, each leading upwards by long staircases.

“There’s no rotting way.”

My heart sank. The angel had long, never-ending stairs, too? Maybe I’d spoken too soon. It seemed like the gods had definitely forgotten about me. The tug on my hem came again. This time, I didn’t look down.

“Where do I go?” I asked, my eyes wandering to see which stairs to try.

The tug pulled my attention to the center most staircase that spiraled up the middle of the tower. I groaned with dismay, made my way over, and began climbing. A strange, magical sensation fell over me. The higher I climbed, the stronger I felt. Each rung was as wide as three lengths of my body, but even with the exertion of energy, I felt refreshed with every step.

“Curious,” I mumbled. “So, curious.”

Every now and again, the little tug would come. At one point, I could’ve sworn I heard chortling. But every time I checked for the source of the melodic laughter, I saw nothing.

This tower clearly had more going on than I realized. I noticed random pockets of treasure littered about on different floors. Some on tables by walls. Some in the corners of a hall. With every step, the richness of the tower unfolded before me.

Was this really a prison?

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