Page 95 of Sinister Lies

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If I have to slam that fucking knife into my own father’s heart to save her, then so be it. I’ll do anything to save my princess.

Camila meets my gaze, her eyes filled with fear. She’s been so strong through all this. I want to take her in my arms, to promise her that it will all be over soon, but I can’t risk acting too soon.

The sound of shouts and heavy footsteps echoes from above, and I feel a surge of adrenaline. They’re here, the police with their warrant and their guns. My father’s head snaps up, his eyes widening in surprise and rage.

“What’s the meaning of this?” he snarls, his grip tightening on Camila’s arm.

But before he can move, the door bursts open and a swarm of officers pour into the room, their weapons drawn. I step forward, my voice steady as I address the lead detective.

“The evidence you’re looking for is here,” I say, gesturing to the array of twisted instruments lining the walls and the blood stained floor. “Amerigo Barone is responsible for the murder of Giovanni Rossi, and we have the proof in the DNA you’ll find soaked into the concrete.”

My father’s face contorts with fury, but he’s powerless against the overwhelming force of the law.

I feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watch him press the knife against Camila’s throat, a desperate look in his eyes. The cops have their guns trained on him, shouting for him to drop the weapon, but he doesn’t seem to hear them.

Beside me, Renzo and Dante are coiled springs, ready to strike at a moment’s notice. I can see the rage burning in their eyes, the same fury that courses through my veins.

“Why?” Father snarls. “Why would you do this to your own father?”

I step forward, my gaze locked on his face. “Because we know the truth,” I announce. “We know you’ve used us as pawns in your twisted games. That you never gave a damn about us or our loyalty.”

My father’s eyes widen, and for a moment, I see a flicker of fear cross his face. He knows that we’ve seen through his lies.

“You’re wrong,” he hisses, pressing the knife harder against Camila’s skin. A thin line of blood appears, making my blood boil with rage.

“Drop the knife, Amerigo!” one of the cops shouts, his finger tightening on the trigger. “Drop it now, or we’ll shoot.”

But my father doesn’t seem to hear him. His eyes are locked on my face, a sneer twisting his features. “You think you can betray me like this?” he snarls. “You think you can turn against your own blood?”

“You stopped being our blood the moment you lied to us,” he says, his voice as hard as steel. “The moment you decided to use us for your own gain.”

My father opens his mouth to respond, but before he can speak, Ren moves faster than I’ve ever seen him move. He lunges forward in a blur of motion.

With bated breath, I watch his hand close around our father’s wrist in a vise-like grip. Father’s eyes go wide with shock and rage as Ren forces the knife away from Camila’s throat. “Let her go!” Ren growls, his voice thick with barely contained fury.

Father struggles against his hold, spitting curses, but Ren’s strength fueled by adrenaline is too much for him. With a sharp twist, Ren wrenches the knife from Father’s grasp and it clatters to the floor.

Camila stumbles back, one hand going to her throat where a thin trail of blood wells up from the shallow cut.

Dante is at her side instantly, one arm circling her protectively as his other hand gently tilts her chin to examine the wound. “Just a scratch, tesoro,” he murmurs. “You’re safe now.”

Camila’s eyes meet mine over Dante’s shoulder and I feel a swell of emotion in my chest. After everything we’ve put her through, she trusts us to keep her safe. I know then that we’ve made the right choice, turning against our father to protect this girl who has come to mean so much to all of us.

Father struggles against Ren’s grip, spewing vitriol. “You ungrateful bastards!” he roars. “I gave you everything! Power, wealth, status! And this is how you repay me?”

Ren’s lip curls in a snarl. “The only thing you gave us was pain,” he spits back. “But we’re done being your puppets.”

He twists Father’s arm up behind his back, making him howl in pain. The cops swarm in, wrenching Father’s hands behind his back to cuff him. He fixes me with a venomous glare as they drag him toward the door.

“You’ll regret this,” he hisses. “All of you.”

I meet his gaze unflinchingly. “No,” I say calmly. “We won’t.”

As Father is led away, I feel a weight lifting from my shoulders. It’s over. We’re finally free from his poisonous influence. Camila is safe. Ren and Dante stand with me, our brotherhood forged in fire and love.

I open my arms and Camila flies into my embrace. Her body trembles against mine, but she lifts her face to me with a smile.

“My heroes,” she whispers.

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