Page 94 of Sinister Lies

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Amerigo chuckles, a dark and sinister sound that sends shivers down my spine. “That’s my boys,” he says, clapping Elio on the shoulder. “Loyal to the end.”

I can feel the weight of Elio’s gaze on me, the silent apology in his eyes. I know this is all part of the plan, that they’re only pretending to go along with their father’s twisted scheme. But the fear is real and the danger all too palpable.

Amerigo turns to me, his eyes glinting with malice. “Now, my dear,” he says, his voice dripping with false sweetness. “Why don’t we chat about your father’s business dealings? I’m sure you have all sorts of interesting information to share.”

I swallow hard, my heart pounding in my chest. I know I must play my part, to act the terrified captive. But the thought of what lies ahead, of the horrors Amerigo has in store for me, fills me with a dread I can barely contain.

Elio and Renzo exchange a glance, a silent communication passing between them. I can see the determination in their eyes and the unwavering resolve to see this through to the end. And in that moment, I draw strength from their presence, from the knowledge that they’ll stop at nothing to keep me safe.

And Dante’s hand remains firm and reassuring on the small of my back.

Amerigo grips my arm tightly as he leads me down a narrow, dimly lit staircase. The air grows colder with each step, and a heavy, oppressive silence settles over us. I can feel Elio’s, Renzo’s, and Dante’s eyes boring into my back, their presence a comfort.

As we descend deeper into the bowels of the mansion, a sickening stench assaults my nostrils. It’s a nauseating mix of blood, decay, and something else I can’t quite identify. My stomach churns, and I fight the urge to gag.

The basement is a cavernous space, the walls lined with shelves filled with ominous-looking tools and instruments. In the center of the room stands a metal table, its surface stained with dark, rusty splotches. I shudder at the thought of what horrors have taken place here.

Amerigo shoves me forward, and I stumble, my knees weak with fear. He chuckles a cruel, mirthless sound that echoes off the concrete walls. “Welcome to my playroom, princess,” he sneers, his eyes glinting with sadistic glee. Hearing this evil and cruel man call me by the same nicknames as Elio is jarring.

I can hear Elio and Renzo’s sharp intakes of breath behind me, and I know they’re struggling to maintain their composure.

Amerigo circles me like a predator stalking its prey, his gaze raking over my body with a hunger that makes my skin crawl. “You know, I’ve always wondered what it would be like to break someone like you,” he muses, his voice a low, menacing purr. “To watch the light fade from an innocent girl’s eyes as I strip away every last shred of your dignity and self-respect. I normally have men in here.”

I clench my jaw. “You’ll never break me,” I spit, my voice trembling despite my efforts to keep it steady.

Amerigo laughs, a harsh, grating sound that sends shivers down my spine. “Oh, but I will,” he promises, his fingers trailing along the edge of the metal table. “And when I’m finished with you, you’ll be nothing more than a shell of your former self—a broken, empty husk, fit for nothing but my own twisted pleasure.”

I know that we’re close now, that the plan is about to take a sharp turn, and that I trust my men can keep me safe. So I stare into his eyes, feeling empowered by the three men standing behind me. It’s four of us against one of him. And the thing is, we’re fighting for love, while he’s fighting for himself.



He’s like a predator stalking its prey as he circles Camila, making my heart pound. Every instinct screams at me to protect my princess and shield her from my father’s twisted machinations. But I force myself to stay still, to trust in the plan we’ve set in motion.

A plan that was ridiculously rushed. All I can hope is that the cop I found who’s itching to take down my father is true to his word. It turns out my dad is suspected of murdering a cop who was investigating him, and I know from witnessing it that he killed that cop here in this basement.

And since it’s his personal basement, he’s never thorough on cleaning away the evidence. They’ll find the cops DNA here and be able to link the murder to my father, locking him away for life. And when they do, Renzo and I will take over.

The look in my father’s eyes is one that I know all too well. It’s the same look he had when he taught Ren and me the ways of this world, the ruthless tactics needed to maintain power and control.

He trained us to be merciless, to strike fear into the hearts of anyone who dared to cross us. “Never show weakness,” he’d say, his voice cold and unyielding. “Crush your enemies before they have a chance to strike.”

And now, as I watch him toy with Camila, I realize he’s become the enemy he warned us about. When he lied about why he wants us to get close to her, he betrayed the loyalty we’ve shown him all our laugh. And that kind of betrayal can’t be forgiven. Not to mention, he won’t allow Camila to leave here alive and she means more to me than the man circling her.

I think back to the countless times he’s pushed us to the brink, demanding perfection and obedience at every turn. The punishments for failure were severe, leaving scars both physical and emotional.

But through it all, Renzo and I endured, growing stronger and more resilient each year. We learned to play the game, to navigate the treacherous waters of this criminal underworld together. I think it’s part of the reason we’re so close.

And now, as we stand on the precipice of a new era, I know it’s time for a new chapter in for the Barone mafia.

As I meet Ren’s gaze, I see the same determination burning in his eyes. We’re ready for this, ready to take our rightful place at the top of this empire.

And Camila? She’s the key to it all, the catalyst for my father’s downfall. He underestimates her strength and resilience, but we know better.

She’s one of us now, a part of this unconventional family we’ve created. Together, we’ll watch as my father is brought to his knees and we take our rightful place on the throne of an empire.

Dante stands to one side, his muscles taught as he watches the scene unfold. Father reaches for a knife, putting all of us on edge. Any moment now the cop should be here, but if things go south, if they don’t turn up, I’m ready to play the part I have to play.

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