Page 84 of Sinister Lies

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“Yeah, I got it,” I say.

I pace up and down the apartment, my mind racing. Camila’s gone. Vanished without a trace. And now Amerigo’s sending someone to take her, to use her as a fucking bargaining chip.

I may not know Camila as well as Ren and Elio, but I can’t deny my odd protectiveness toward her. There’s just something about her, something that draws me in. I want her so fucking bad. The sounds of her moans, the way she begged for more... it’s been haunting me ever since.

She’s perfect. That’s the only way to describe her. She survived Ren’s brand of crazy, and from the sounds of it, she loved every fucking second of it. Not many girls can handle Renzo when he gets like that. But Camila? She thrived on it.

And now she’s out there, alone and vulnerable. The thought makes my stomach twist. I know what Amerigo’s men are capable of. They won’t hesitate to hurt her, to use her in whatever way they see fit.

I can’t let that happen. I won’t let that happen. Camila’s ours, whether she knows it or not. And I’ll be damned if I let anyone else lay a finger on her.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a text from Elio.

“On my way. Don’t do anything stupid.”

I snort. Stupid isn’t in my vocabulary. My dad always taught me to remain calm and collected. It’s him or Ren who will do something stupid.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the rage and fear coursing through me. We’ll find her—we have to—and when we do, I will make sure she never leaves our sight again.

Glancing at my cell phone, I realize I need to call Ren as we need him. This is the kind of thing that Ren excels at. Hunting. Tracking.

The phone rings twice before Ren picks up. “What’s up?” he asks, his voice casual.

“Camila’s gone,” I say, cutting straight to the chase. “All her stuff is gone too.”

There’s a pause, followed by a dangerous chuckle from Ren. “Oh, is she now?” he purrs, his voice taking on that edge that always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

“Yeah,” I confirm. “And there’s more. Amerigo knows about you and Elio kidnapping her. He’s sending someone to take her, hold her for ransom.”

“Is that so?” Ren muses, sounding more intrigued than concerned. “Well, we can’t have that, can we?”

“No, we fucking can’t,” I agree. “Elio’s on his way back now. We need to find her before Amerigo’s men do.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Dante,” Ren says, his voice dripping with dark promise. “I’ll find her. And when I do, I’ll ensure she never even thinks about running away again.”

I swallow hard, knowing exactly what Ren means by that. “Just... don’t do anything too crazy, okay?” I say, even though I know it’s pointless.

He laughs, the sound sending a chill down my spine. “Oh, Dante,” he sighs. “You know me. Crazy is what I do best.”

“Yeah, I know,” I mutter. “Just get here as soon as you can, alright?”

“I’m on my way,” Ren assures me. “Knives sharp and ready.”

He hangs up before I can respond, and I let out a heavy sigh. Ren’s involvement complicates things, but I can’t deny that we need him. He’s the best tracker I know; if anyone can find Camila, it’s him.

I just hope he doesn’t go too far when he does.

The door swings open, and Elio walks in with wild eyes. “Did you contact Ren?” he demands.

I nod. “Yeah, Ren’s on his way. He didn’t sound very concerned.”

“That’s because he’s a fucking child and thinks everything is a game,” Elio retorts.

I nod in agreement with Elio’s assessment. He typically treats everything like a game, even when the stakes are this high.

Ren strides in through the door, a cocky grin on his face. “Well, well, well,” he drawls, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Looks like our little bookworm has gone and gotten herself lost.”

I grit my teeth, fighting the urge to wipe that smirk off his face. “This isn’t a joke,” Elio growls. “Father’s men are after her. We need to find her before they do.”

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