Page 85 of Sinister Lies

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Ren’s grin only widens. “Oh, I know,” he says. “And we will. We need to get going. Time’s a-wasting, boys.”

Elio and I exchange a glance, both of us knowing that he’s right even if he is a psycho. And we both know this is what he does in the face of chaos. He gets scarily calm, which just throws everyone off balance.

“Alright,” Elio says, his voice tight with tension. “Let’s go. Ren, you drive.” He throws him the keys to the Mercedes.

Ren mock-salutes his brother, that infuriating grin still plastered on his face. “Aye, aye, captain.”

Walking toward the car, I can’t shake the feeling of dread settling in my stomach. Camila’s out there, alone and vulnerable, and the thought of Amerigo’s men getting their hands on her makes my blood run cold.

We have to find her and bring her back. And when we do, I’ll make sure she never leaves our sight again.

I climb into the back seat of Elio’s car, my mind racing with possibilities. Where could she have gone? How far could she have gotten?

Elio starts the engine, his jaw clenched tight. I can see the tension radiating from him, the barely contained rage simmering beneath the surface.

“We’ll find her,” I say, my voice low and intense. “We have to.”

Elio nods, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “Damn right, we will,” he growls. “And when we do, I will ensure she never even thinks about running away again.”

I nod in agreement, my determination mirroring Elio’s. Camila belongs to us, whether she likes it or not, and we’ll do whatever it takes to bring her back home.



Istep out of the taxi, my heart pounding as I see Columbia University’s campus. The weight of my decision to flee the Barone brothers presses down on me, but I know I’ve got no choice. I need to find Sergio to warn him about the danger we’re both in.

I make my way through the bustling crowds of students, my eyes darting around as I search for my brother. The fear of being tracked by the Barone brothers is ever-present, and I resist the urge to check my phone. I switched it off before getting into the taxi, knowing they might be able to use it to find me.

I navigate the bustling campus, my heart racing as I search for any sign of Sergio. The unfamiliar surroundings and the constant fear of being found by the Barone brothers only add to my anxiety. I’ve got no idea where to start looking for my brother, but I know I can’t give up.

Determined to find help, I make my way to the main building. The impressive structure looms before me, and I take a deep breath before pushing through the heavy doors. The lobby is filled with students and staff going about their day. I approach the information desk, where a friendly-looking secretary greets me with a smile.

“Excuse me,” I say, my voice trembling slightly. “I’m looking for my brother, Sergio Aguilar. It’s an emergency, and I really need to find him.”

The secretary’s expression turns sympathetic. “Of course, let me check our records.” She types something into her computer, her fingers flying over the keyboard. After a moment, she looks up at me. “Sergio Aguilar, right? It looks like he’s staying in Hartley Hall, room 305.”

Relief washes over me, and I feel a glimmer of hope. “Thank you so much,” I say, my voice filled with gratitude. “Could you please tell me how to get there?”

She gives me detailed directions to Hartley Hall, and I listen intently, committing every word to memory. I thank her again before hurrying out of the building, my heart pounding with renewed determination.

As I make my way across campus, following the secretary’s instructions, I can’t shake the feeling that I’m being watched. I glance over my shoulder, half-expecting to see Elio or Renzo lurking in the shadows. But there’s no one there, so I try to push the paranoid thoughts from my mind.

I finally reach Hartley Hall, my heart racing as I climb the stairs to the third floor. The hallway stretches before me, and I count the room numbers until I find 305. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves and knock on the door.

There’s a moment of silence, followed by rustling and muffled voices from inside the room. My heart leaps into my throat as the door swings open, revealing a disheveled Sergio. His eyes widen in shock as he takes in the sight of me standing before him.

“Camila?” he asks, his voice a mixture of surprise and confusion. “What are you doing here?”

Before I can answer, my gaze is drawn to the figure behind him. A half-naked guy, his toned chest glistening with sweat, stands in the middle of the room. He looks as surprised to see me as Sergio does.

“I... I needed to talk to you,” I stammer, tearing my eyes away from the stranger and focusing on my brother. “It’s important.”

Sergio’s brow furrows, and he glances back at the guy in his room. “Can it wait? I’m kind of in the middle of something.”

I shake my head, the urgency of the situation hitting me like a wave. “No, it can’t wait. It’s about our family, about the danger we’re in.”

Sergio’s expression shifts, and he steps aside, allowing me to enter the room. The half-naked guy quickly grabs a shirt, pulling it over his head, shooting me a curious look.

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