Page 83 of Sinister Lies

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“What the fuck is going on over there, Dante?” Dad questions, his voice angry. “Amerigo says that the boys have lost control and fucking about with some cult society.”

How the fuck did Amerigo learn about that?


“Don’t play dumb, Dante. I know about the Nexus. Amerigo had you boys tailed.”


That’s not good, but it doesn’t mean anything.

“We’re simply getting close to her so that?—”

“It’s too late, Dante. Amerigo is sending someone to kidnap Camila and hold her to ransom.”

“What?” I growl, panic coiling through me. “Why the hell would he do that?”

“He needs information and is fed up with waiting for it.”

I grind my teeth. Of course, Amerigo didn’t trust Ren and Elio with this—not after weeks of no intel. Elio tried all of Camila’s devices the day she was forced to move in with us, and there was nothing on them. I think all of us fear the same thing, even if none of us have voiced it. Camila knows nothing. She’s no use to the Barone family as a spy but as collateral?

“When are they taking her?” I demand.

“Can’t be sure. I just wanted to give you a heads-up.”

“Thanks. I need to go.” I end the call, marching toward our apartment building on a mission. It’s the longest five minutes of my life, wondering if I’ll find her there. My heart skips a beat when I enter the apartment.

It’s too quiet. Way too fucking quiet. I check Elio’s room, where Camila’s stuff is, and my stomach drops. It’s all gone. Every last fucking thing.

But then it hits me. Amerigo’s man wouldn’t have let her pack. No fucking way. She must have left on her own.

I pull out my phone and call Elio. He picks up on the second ring.

“What?” he snaps.

“Camila’s gone,” I say, my voice tight. “All her stuff is gone too.”

“What the fuck do you mean, gone?” Elio demands.

“I mean, she’s not fucking here. And neither is any of her shit.”

There’s a pause. I can practically hear the gears turning in Elio’s head.

“Fuck,” he finally says. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

“Yeah, that about sums it up,” I mutter.

“Where’s Renzo?” Elio asks.

“How the fuck should I know? Probably off torturing small animals or some shit.”

Elio ignores my jab. “We need to find her. Now.”

“You don’t say,” I quip. “But there’s more. Dad called. Amerigo knows about you two kidnapping her. He’s sending someone to take her and hold her for ransom.”

“Motherfucker,” Elio hisses. “Okay, listen. I’m on my way back now. Don’t do anything until I get there, understand?”

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