Page 39 of Sinister Lies

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“And you, Tyler? Do you and your brothers have a girl in mind already?”

He clears his throat. “Not exactly. We’ve got our eyes on a few but haven’t settled on just one yet.”

Dimitry strokes his chin thoughtfully. “I see. And are you and your brothers alright with sharing a woman between the three of you?”

“We’ve never done anything like that before,” he admits. “But we’re open to whatever needs to be done. No issues on our end.” The Kelly brothers aren’t like me and Elio. They’re fiercely competitive, and I know them sharing a girl will bring up ridiculous issues. In contrast, Elio, Dante, and I are veterans.

Dimitry studies him for a moment before nodding slowly. “Very well. We shall see if you three have what it takes soon enough.”

He stands abruptly, signaling the end of our meeting. “I’ll be in touch with details of the initiation ceDanteny. Impress me, and you’ll be in.”

“We won’t let you down,” I say eagerly, shaking Dimitry’s hand. Ty follows suit.

As we leave the darkened meeting room, I feel Dimitry’s gaze boring into my back. A nervous shiver runs through me. Just what have we gotten ourselves into with Nexus? And how far will we have to go to prove our loyalty?

Ty hurries to catch up, his face etched with worry.

“Ren, how will you convince Elio and Camila to do this? Dante is on board, but they’re not,” he hisses, glancing around to ensure no one can overhear us.

I flash him a cocky grin. “Relax, Ty. I’ll work it out.”

Ty sighs. “So I’ve got to keep this shit secret from Elio?”

I clap him on the shoulder. “Sorry, man. But not for long, trust me.”

Ty shakes his head, looking exasperated. “You’re too impulsive, Ren. This could blow up in your face.”

I laugh, the sound echoing through the hallway. “When have I ever let that stop me before?”

He doesn’t look convinced, but I’m not worried. I know I can make this happen. Dante won’t be difficult to convince - he’s always down for a good time. Elio, on the other hand, might take a bit more finessing. He’s got this noble act going on, pretending he cares about Camila.

But I know the truth. I’ve seen how he looks at her, the hunger in his eyes. He wants her just as badly as I do. And Camila? Let’s just say I feel she’s not as innocent as she pretends to be.

I’ve caught her staring at me when she thinks no one’s looking, her cheeks flushed and her lips parted. She wants us, all three of us. And I’m going to make damn sure she gets what she wants.

I turn to Ty, my grin widening. “Trust me. By the time I’m done, Camila will be begging for all three of our dicks,” I assure him. “She might play hard to get at first, but I know how to break her in.”

Ty smirks and claps me on the shoulder. “Yeah, if anyone can do it, it’s you, Ren. That girl won’t know what hit her once you and the boys start working on her.”

I grin, already imagining the delicious corruption of Camila’s innocence. “She’ll be our little slave before long, don’t you worry.”

Ty nods, seeming reassured by my confidence. “Hey, since you seem to have a knack for this kind of thing, do you have any recommendations on which chick I should pick for my brothers?” he asks. “I’ve seen Finn checking out that hot little Italian Camila is friends with, Lucia, I think her name is. You know anything about her?”

I raise my eyebrows, intrigued by this new information. Lucia is a sexy little minx, no doubt about it. Finn’s got good taste.

“Lucia’s a firecracker, that’s for sure,” I reply with a smirk. “Great ass, loves to party. I think she’d be a perfect fit for you guys.”

Ty grins, pleased with my assessment. “Sounds like just what we’re looking for. I’ll let Finn know to make his move on her.” He glances at his watch. “Anyway, I gotta run. Let me know how it goes with Camila!”

He gives me one last pat on the back before heading out, leaving me to hatch my plan for seducing and enslaving the innocent Camila. I lick my lips in anticipation, ready to begin the hunt.



Inotice Camila’s distant demeanor as we sit in the living room. Her usual vibrant energy is subdued, and she barely responds to my attempts at conversation. The silence weighs heavy between us, and I can’t shake the feeling that something is bothering her.

Unable to bear the tension any longer, I turn to face her. “Camila, what’s wrong? You’ve hardly said a word this morning.”

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