Page 38 of Sinister Lies

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Once back to my dorm room, I pace back and forth. My mind is racing with thoughts of Elio, Renzo, and now Dante. What about me has all three of them vying for my attention? I’m flattered, of course, but a nagging voice in the back of my head won’t let me fully enjoy it.

Are they just playing some kind of game? Seeing who can get the virgin first? The thought makes my stomach churn. I’ve heard stories about college boys and their bets, their conquests. Is that all I am to them? A prize to be won?

I sink down onto my bed, hugging my pillow to my chest. I want to believe that Elio genuinely cares for me and that his interest goes beyond getting me into bed. But then I think about Renzo, with his suggestive comments and wandering hands, and now Dante, with his smooth words and lingering touches.

My anxiety spirals as I consider the possibilities. What if they’re all in on it together? What if they’re laughing at me, placing bets on who can seduce me first? The thought makes me feel sick.

I try to take deep breaths and calm my racing heart. I know I’m probably overthinking things, letting my anxiety get the best of me. But I can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

I think back to my conversation with Lucia, how I couldn’t even bring myself to tell her the truth about my feelings for the two brothers. What would she think of me if she knew? Would she think I was some kind of slut, stringing them along?

I bury my face in my pillow, hot tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. I feel like I’m drowning in confusion and self-doubt. Add the secret society in the mix, and I’m a mess. I want to believe in my connection with Elio, but the doubts keep creeping in.

I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know who to trust. All I know is that I can’t continue like this, constantly second-guessing myself and everyone around me. I need to find a way to quiet the anxiety and trust my own instincts.

But right now, all I can do is let the tears fall and hope that everything will make sense in the end.



Istride into the meeting room, my heart racing with anticipation. Tyler trails behind me, looking nervous as hell. I don’t blame him. We’re about to meet with Dimitry Sokolov, the head and founder of Nexus. He’s also a professor of psychology at the university, which makes his involvement a little unique. But this secret society is the key to everything - power, connections, and most importantly, access to their exclusive club.

Dimitry sits at the head of the table, his cold eyes appraising us as we take our seats. “Renzo Barone,” he says, his accent thick. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

I flash him my signature grin. “All good things, I hope.”

Dimitry doesn’t smile back. “That remains to be seen.” He leans forward, steepling his fingers. “I understand you and your brother are interested in joining the Nexus.”

I nod, trying to play it cool even though my blood is buzzing. “That’s right. We want in.”

“And what makes you think you’re worthy of membership?” Dimitry asks, his gaze piercing.

I sit up straighter, meeting his stare head-on. “We’re the heirs to the Barone empire. We have power, influence, and most importantly, we’re not afraid to get our hands dirty.”

Dimitry’s lips twitch into a smile. “I see. That’s good to know, but the most important thing I look for is how strong your bond is. Do you have a girl in mind to make your slave?”

I lean back in my chair, trying to look relaxed despite my heart pounding with anticipation. This is it—the moment I’ve been waiting for—time to seal the deal.

“Camila Aguilar,” I say, unable to keep the cocky grin off my face. “She’s perfect for what we need.”

Dimitry raises an eyebrow. “The princess of the Aguilar cartel? Ambitious choice.”

I shrug, oozing confidence. “What can I say? I like a challenge.”

Tyler shifts nervously beside me, but I ignore him. I know Camila better than he does. Underneath that shy exterior is a fire just waiting to be unleashed. And I’m the perfect guy to unleash it.

“She’s innocent, naïve,” I continue. “But she’s fascinated by me. I can see it in her eyes every time we talk. It won’t take much to wrap her around my finger.”

“And you believe she’ll cooperate?” Dimitry asks. There’s a glint in his eyes that suggests he knows exactly what kind of ‘cooperation’ we expect from our slaves.

“Oh, she’ll cooperate, alright,” I say with a wicked grin. “Once I get her alone, I’ll lay it all out for her. Explain why this is the best thing for both of us. She’s smart. She’ll understand that becoming our slave is her ticket to power and protection.”

Dimitry is silent for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Then, finally, he nods. “Very well. Consider this your first task as a potential member of Nexus. Bring the girl willing and ready to pledge herself to you boys at the initiation, and we’ll see about making your membership official.”

I grin, barely able to contain my excitement. “Consider it done. And Ty here wants to join with his brothers, too.”

Tyler shifts again, looking uncertain as Dimitry’s piercing gaze turns to him.

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