Page 23 of Diamond Dream

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Not needing to hear it twice, his men snap into action. Shortly after, the room is practically empty.

To my surprise, Nik seems intent on following them. I watch with horror as he slips a knife in his pocket. Another one follows the first, cleverly hidden inside his boot.

“Where do you think you are going?” I ask.

Nik gives me a confused look. “You heard Vladmir. We’ve tracked McGuire down.”

“Yeah, and I saw your little death squad arm themselves to their teeth. They can handle it. Let them.”

Nik laughs. “Come on, Kat. I can’t just sit here and let McGuire’s direct attack on me and my men—and worst of all, on you—slide.”

“If you retaliate, you’ll start a war. I thought the entire point of my involvement in this scheme of yours was to avoid that.”

His eyes soften. “Things change, milaya. If he wants war this badly, then I’ll give it to him.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do, Kat. Enough is enough. It’s time. And frankly, I’m glad. I’ll be done with this nightmare at last. I’ll do my duty to Maxim, and I’ll never have to endure the sight of another man flirting with you ever again.” His eyes smolder, and he sinks his fingers between my hair, sighing with unconcealed pleasure.

“Nik, no,” I say, shaking my head with horror. “This is a mistake. He’s dangerous. You’ve said it yourself so many times. You’re rushing into this without thinking about it rationally.”

He shakes his head, smiling at me. “It’ll be okay, Kat. You’ll see.”

“You don’t know that,” I say, my voice shaking. “If you absolutely won’t listen to reason, then at least don’t be stupid enough to go after him yourself. What’s the point of having your own personal army if you can’t send them to kill your enemies for you?”

Nik chuckles, kissing my forehead. “I’d never do that. I could never have another man do my dirty work for me, Kat. I can’t ask my men to put their lives on the line for the bratva if I won’t do the same.”

I scoff. “That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.”

“Besides,” Nik adds, ignoring my interruption, “this is too personal. He took my best friend from me and dared to try to harm my woman. After plotting to steal you from me, too. It’ll be my pleasure to take him out myself.”

“Nik—” I say, not too proud to beg. But I see in his eyes that it’s pointless. He’s not changing his mind.

After glancing at Dmitri, Nik says, “I need you to stay here.”

Dmitri groans. “You can’t be serious.”

“You’ll stay and protect Kat.”

“Kat will be fine here, Nik. She doesn’t need me. My place is with you.”

Nik shakes his head. “I can’t go after McGuire if I don’t know with absolute certainty that she’s safe.”

Dmitri beseechingly glares at Nik, echoing my frustrated plea from earlier. “Nik, come on. Don’t do this to me.”

“You’re the closest thing I have to my own blood now, Dmitri,” Nik says, pointing out what’s clear to anyone with eyes and ears.

Dmitri hesitates, and I realize I have to intervene. “Nik, Dmitri’s right. I’ll be fine here. You should let him go with you.”

Nik scowls at me and Dmitri. “You two seem confused about what kind of operation I’m running here. This is not a democracy,” he says, raising his voice.

“Nik, please. Let him go with you. Please. For me. I’ll feel so much better if I know he’s looking out for you.” My voice embarrassingly cracks, and my vision gets blurry as tears threaten to run down my face.

With a sigh, Nik rolls his eyes before pulling me into his arms again. He presses a tender kiss against my forehead, failing to hide his amused grin. “Come now, milaya. I’m flattered, but there’s no need to cry for me. I’ll be fine. I don’t need my bratishka taking care of me.”

Dmitri’s touched expression—plus his sharp intake of breath—tells me that Nik called him something sentimental and special. His unusual silence confirms it.

I grab handfuls of Nik’s sweater and pull him closer to me. “Please,” I say with a sniff, pressing a kiss to his bare throat. “For me. For my peace of mind.”

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