Page 22 of Diamond Dream

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Dmitri and I have no luck getting a hold of Nik before we reach the penthouse. Dmitri pulls out a thick wad of cash out of his pocket and hands it to the taxi driver, while almost simultaneously dragging me out of the car.

After frantically searching the area, Dmitri quickly leads us inside the building, completely ignoring the people in the lobby. Less than a full minute after the cab stopped out front, he has us in the elevator. He exhales loudly with relief.

“I’m sure Nik’s waiting for us,” he says with a smile. I can’t tell if his reassurance is for my benefit or his.

As soon as the elevator comes to a stop, Dmitri completely leaves my mind as I desperately search for Nik. Inside the penthouse, it’s complete pandemonium. The commotion that greets us on the other side of the elevator doors takes me by surprise, but I probably should’ve expected it. After all, all hell has broken loose for the bratva since we left.

More guns than I’ve ever seen in my life are being passed around. For a second, I think I see a handful of grenades, too, but I must be mistaken.

Over two dozen men move with military efficiency, donning bulletproof vests while talking among themselves in Russian.

My legs almost give out under me, and I stagger sideways when I spot Nik tucking a pistol in his waistband. I exhale a breath I didn’t realize I was holding in until now, urging my shaky limbs to get me close to him.

“Oh, thank God you’re fine,” I say.

Nik’s eyes find me right away as his head whips in my direction at the sound of my voice. “Kat.” His voice is more than a little rough as he shoves his men out of his way. Before he even has a chance to do anything else, I leap into his arms, knowing without any shadow of a doubt that he will catch me. He clutches me almost painfully tight to his chest. I bury my head in his neck, and he kisses my hair over and over again.

“Are you okay?” Nik asks.

“Yeah, I’m completely fine now. Are you hurt?” I ask, turning to inspect him.

Nik glares at me as if I just asked him the most ridiculous question ever. “Why would I be hurt?” he asks with a slight frown.

“Dmitri told me McGuire attacked the bratva.”

“A bunch of unoccupied warehouses. No one’s hurt. He’s trying to bait me.” Nik kisses my forehead. While glancing at Dmitri, he acidly asks, “Why didn’t either of you answer your phones? Once I got word McGuire openly hit us, I tried calling you to tell you to come home. I was crazy out of my mind, worrying they would track you down. But thank God he didn’t. You’re both home safe now, and that’s all that matters. But for fuck’s sake, pick up your fucking phones next time.”

I stare at Nik with confusion. “You don’t know,” I say.

“Don’t know what?” he asks, turning to look at Dmitri.

“Connor and a few others came after us in a shop downtown less than twenty minutes ago. Bold as fuck, Nik. Guns blazing in broad daylight, in the heart of the tourist district of all places,” Dmitri says.

Around us, all bratva soldiers freeze in place after hearing Dmitri’s news.

“They did what?” Nik yells. His fingertips painfully sink into my arms as he grips me too tightly.

“I’m not fucking with you. They were looking for Kat. We barely made it out.”

Thankfully, Nik lets go of my arms. Gently, he lifts my chin, scanning me from head to toe. Then he glances at Dmitri, checking for any visible wounds.

“Did they hurt you?” Nik asks me softly.

I shake my head. “No, I’m fine, Nik. Dmitri, my knight in shining armor, was excellent thinking on his feet. This damsel in distress has no complaints.”

Dmitri’s stunning pale blue eyes glint with humor as he turns on his heels to face me, an appropriately inappropriate comment undoubtedly on the tip of his tongue.

“Don’t even think about cracking a joke about this,” Nik says in warning to Dmitri. Uncharacteristically wisely, Dmitri shuts his mouth.

“And you—” Nik says to me, holding my face with both hands. “You’re never leaving my sight ever again. At least not until that motherfucker is dead and gone.”

I laugh, although not unkindly. I rise on my toes to press a kiss on Nik’s cheek. “I appreciate the concern, but we’ll talk about this later. You’re not thinking clearly right now.”

Nik’s eyes darken, and I’m sure he fully intends to put me in my place, but I’m saved by the bell.

“We got him,” Vladmir says, marching into the room. “Lucien sent us word of McGuire’s location, and I’ve confirmed it myself. Just saw the fucker with my own eyes, Nikolai. As you suspected, he’s hiding near the port. A studio a block south of the docks, to be exact.”

With no hint of hesitation, Nik cooly says, “Let’s go.”

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