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With everything gathered, we escorted Halverson and Tyler out of the warehouse. Heather walked beside me, her hand clutching mine tightly. "I knew you'd find me," she whispered, her voice filled with relief.

"I wasn't going to let anything happen to you," I replied, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

As we loaded Halverson and Tyler into the back of the police van, I turned to the team. "Let's head back to the station. We've got a lot of paperwork to do and statements to take."

Heather climbed into the passenger seat of my car, and I slid in behind the wheel, exhaustion beginning to creep in now that the adrenaline was wearing off. Ramirez pulled up beside us, giving me a nod of approval.

"Good work, everyone," I said over the radio. "Let's wrap this up."

The drive back to the station was quiet. Heather leaned her head against the window, her eyes closed. I reached over and placed a hand on her knee, needing the physical connection to remind myself that she was safe.

When we arrived at the station, the team immediately got to work processing Halverson and Tyler. Heather and I headed to an empty office where we could talk privately. I closed the door behind us and pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I was so scared," she admitted, her voice muffled against my chest.

"I know," I said, stroking her hair. "But you're safe now. We're going to get through this."

We held each other for a long moment, the events of the night finally catching up to us. When we pulled apart, I could see the exhaustion in her eyes, but also a flicker of hope.

"We need to get your statement," I said gently, guiding her to a chair. "Just tell us everything you remember. It'll help us build the case against them."

Heather nodded, taking a deep breath. "Alright. Let's get this over with."

As she began recounting the events, I felt a sense of pride in her strength. She had faced unimaginable danger and come out the other side. And together, we would ensure that justice was served.

When her statement was finished, I escorted her to a quiet room where she could rest. "Get some sleep," I said softly. "I'll be here if you need anything."

"Thank you," she whispered, her eyes already closing.

As I entered the main office, the energy was high but focused. Ramirez was organizing the stacks of paperwork while Jenkins and Lopez were tagging and bagging the evidence we’d seized. It was a lot, and it would take time, but we were making progress.

I approached Ramirez. "How's it going?"

He looked up, tired but determined. "We’re getting there. It’s a lot to sort through, but we’ll get it done."

"Good," I said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Keep at it."

I glanced over at the holding cells. Tyler sat on the bench, head bowed. I needed to talk to him. We needed every bit of information he could provide.

I motioned to Jenkins. "I'm going to have a word with him."

Jenkins nodded. "I'll keep an eye out."

I walked over to Tyler's cell and unlocked it, stepping inside. He looked up, meeting my gaze with guilt and desperation. I pulled a chair over and sat down across from him.

"We need to talk," I said, my tone firm but not unkind.

He nodded slowly. "I figured."

"Tell me everything," I said. "About the drug ring, your father's involvement, and anyone else connected. The more you help us, the better your chances."

Tyler took a deep breath, visibly struggling to collect his thoughts. "It started about two years ago," he began. "My father had always been involved in shady deals, but this... this was different. It was bigger, more organized. He got involved with some powerful people, people who had connections and money. They used the ranch as a cover, moving shipments through the area."

I listened intently, taking mental notes. "And your role in all this?"

"I was his errand boy," he admitted, his voice heavy with shame. "I made deliveries, collected payments, kept an eye on things. I didn’t want to be involved, but he... he didn’t give me a choice."

I leaned forward, locking eyes with him. "Why did you stay? Why didn’t you go to the authorities?"

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