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Halverson stood behind him, his eyes cold and calculating, and I knew my chances of escape had just slipped away. I sank back into the seat, my mind racing for another plan, hoping Danny would find me soon.

Chapter Forty-Three


Igripped the steering wheel, the car's engine humming beneath me. We had finally tracked Halverson and Tyler to their last hideout, an old warehouse on the outskirts of town. Ramirez sat beside me, his face set in a grim determination. The rest of the team was following close behind in unmarked vehicles.

"Let's make sure this goes smoothly," I said, glancing at Ramirez. "We need to get Heather out safely, no fuck-ups."

"Got it," Ramirez replied, checking his weapon. "Everyone's in position."

I nodded. The thought of Heather tied up and terrified fueled my resolve. We had one chance to get this right.

We pulled up a few blocks away, out of sight. The team assembled quickly, each member focused and ready. I signaled for them to follow me as we approached the building on foot, keeping to the shadows.

"Alright," I whispered to the team. "We're going in quiet. No unnecessary noise. We don't want to alert them."

We moved silently, our footsteps barely audible against the gravel. As we reached the side of the warehouse, I peered through a broken window. Inside, I could see Heather tied to a chair, her face pale but determined. Halverson and Tyler were arguing nearby, their voices low and tense.

I turned to Ramirez and mouthed, "Now."

We burst through the door, weapons drawn. "Freeze! Hands where I can see them!" I shouted.

Halverson whipped around, his eyes wide with surprise. "What the hell—"

Before he could finish, Ramirez tackled him to the ground, pinning him down. Tyler stood frozen, his gaze darting between me and Heather. I could see the conflict and uncertainty in his eyes.

"Let her go, Tyler," I said, my voice firm. "It's over."

Tyler hesitated, his hands trembling. "I— I can't," he stammered, glancing at his father.

"Yes, you can," I insisted, taking a step closer. "You don't have to go down with him. Help us, and it might make a difference."

Halverson struggled beneath Ramirez's grip, snarling. "Don't listen to him, son! You know what happens if you betray me."

Tyler's jaw clenched, his internal struggle written all over his face. For a moment, I thought he might actually turn on us, but then he looked at Heather, his expression softening.

"Do it, Tyler," Heather said, her voice steady despite her fear. "It's not too late."

With a deep breath, Tyler nodded and stepped back, lowering his weapon. "Okay," he said quietly. "Okay, I'll help."

Ramirez hauled Halverson to his feet, cuffing him roughly. "You're making a big mistake, boy," Halverson spat at Tyler, but Tyler ignored him, his gaze focused on me.

"Where's the rest of the operation?" I asked, keeping my eyes locked on Tyler.

"There's a hidden room in the back," Tyler replied, his voice shaky but resolute. "That's where they keep everything."

"Good," I said, signaling to the team. "Ramirez, secure Halverson. The rest of you, follow me."

We moved quickly through the warehouse, Tyler leading us to the hidden room. As we entered, the sight of crates filled with drugs and weapons confirmed everything we'd suspected. This was the heart of their operation.

"Start cataloging everything," I ordered the team. "We need to get all of this back to the station."

Tyler stood to the side, watching us work. I could see the weight of his decision bearing down on him. He had just turned against his own father, and there was no going back.

"You did the right thing," I said quietly to him as we secured the last of the evidence. "This will help you."

Tyler nodded, but he didn't look convinced. I couldn't blame him. The lines between right and wrong had been blurred for him for so long.

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