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Tyler's face twisted with regret. "I was scared. He threatened me, told me he’d ruin my life, hurt the people I cared about. And I believed him."

He paused, swallowing hard. "I didn’t know about Dina until it was too late. When I found out, I tried to stop it. But... I failed. They were too far gone, too ruthless. I didn’t know what to do."

His words hit me hard. I could see the torment in his eyes, the weight of his guilt. But we needed more than just his regret. We needed actionable information.

"Give me names," I said. "Who else is involved? Who are the key players?"

Tyler nodded. "There’s a man named Victor. He’s one of the main suppliers. And another guy, Marcus, handles distribution. They’re both dangerous, willing to do whatever it takes to protect their interests."

I jotted down the names. "Anything else? Locations, contacts, anything that can help us bring them down?"

He thought for a moment. "There’s a warehouse on the east side of town. They use it to store shipments before distribution. And a bar downtown where they meet to discuss business. I can draw you a map and show you where everything is."

"Do it," I said, pushing a pad of paper and a pen towards him.

Tyler started sketching out the locations. I watched him closely, sensing the relief in him as he cooperated. This was his chance to make amends and help us dismantle the operation that had caused so much pain.

When he finished, he handed me the map. "I hope this helps," he said quietly.

"It will," I replied, standing up. "And it will go a long way in helping your case. The jury will see that you tried to make things right."

He looked up at me, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Will you tell her? Tell her I wasn’t the one who killed Dina? I tried to stop it, but... I wasn’t able to."

I nodded, understanding the gravity of his request. "I’ll tell her. But you need to keep cooperating and keep helping us. That’s the only way any of this makes a difference."

"I will," he promised.

I left the cell, locking it behind me. The team was still hard at work. I walked over to Ramirez, who was sifting through a pile of documents.

"Got something," I said, handing him the map Tyler had drawn. "Warehouse on the east side, a bar downtown. These are their main spots."

Ramirez looked at the map, his expression sharpening. "Good. This gives us something to work with."

"Let's get a team together," I said. "We need to hit these places fast, before they have a chance to move anything."

Ramirez nodded, already reaching for his radio to call in the team. The urgency of the situation was clear. We needed to move quickly and decisively.

I headed back to the quiet room where Heather was resting. She looked up as I entered, her eyes filled with questions.

"How is he?" she asked, her voice soft.

"He’s cooperating," I said, sitting down beside her. "He’s given us some valuable information. We’re going to follow up on it."

She nodded, relief mingling with the exhaustion on her face. "Thank you."

I took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We’re going to bring them down. All of them."

"Be careful," she whispered.

"Always," I promised, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

Chapter Forty-Four


The drive back to the ranch was a blur of exhaustion and relief. Danny’s hand rested on mine as he navigated the quiet, winding roads of Silver Creek. I watched the landscape roll by, my mind heavy with the weight of everything that had happened. The betrayal, the danger, the loss of Aunt Dina—it all seemed so overwhelming. But with Danny by my side, I felt a spark of hope.

As we pulled up to the ranch, the familiar sight of the house brought a rush of emotions. Danny parked the car, and we both sat there for a moment, neither of us ready to break the silence.

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