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“You can’t blame them,” he continues, dipping his head lower. “Look at you. If I were Antonia, I’d hate you too.” He winks.

My heart warms a little.

“You know I’m right.”

I shrug, hating to admit that his words have made me feel a little better.

“Come on, let’s make her really jealous. Dance with me.”

The dance floor is packed. People laughing and swaying in time to the music. Their faces alight with fun and a sense of carefree presence I don’t seem to possess.

He takes my hands in his, positioning our bodies. “Follow my lead.”



My jaw clenches with rage. I watch Christina, my Christina, dancing with Jimmy Cosa, a smile spreading across her angelic face, lighting her eyes, her beauty sparkling throughout the room, completely unparalleled.

He shouldn’t be the one who makes her shine like that. She’s ours.

I don’t like the way he’s looking at her. Not one bit. Or the way that she’s smiling, looking up at him like he’s the greatest person she’s ever met. Like he somehow rescued her.

Fuck me, why is she looking at him like that?

Crazed, hot jealousy spikes through my blood, sending my heart racing in my chest like a hammer and my mood plummets. That ever present volatile darkness crawls its way out of my mind, whispering things to me.

Maybe Enzo is wrong. I shouldn’t wait, maybe I should just kill him right now.

I’m about to storm over there when a strong hand claps me on my shoulder, handing me a drink.

I look down to see Alec shoving a glass in my hand.

“You look like you could use it,” Alec says, watching me curiously. He glances around the room as if piecing parts of a puzzle together.

I hate that he can see right through me.

I take the drink but refuse to respond, choosing instead to watch them. Jimmy only grows more confident by the second, his hands roaming over her body in a way that proves he has no respect for her, outside of her becoming another conquest on his list.

“You care for her,” Alec says eventually, filling the tense silence between us.

I notice it’s not a question. I shift slightly. A part of me considers not responding. Maybe if I don’t acknowledge it, it won’t be true, and this all won’t bother me so much.

I down my drink, savoring the way that it burns the back of my throat.

“Yeah. I do,” I say, more to myself than to him. I swallow the lump in my throat. There’s no point in lying. I care for her a lot – even so far as to say love. It’s a novel concept but I know it’s true.

Everyone will realize it soon enough, that is if they haven’t already.

He nods his head as if I’ve said the most rational thing ever. I’m in love with the girl that became my stepsister.

“Does she know?” He asks, turning his body towards me.

“No,” I say.

I hate that it’s a secret. She deserves better than to be a dirty little secret. I know that – and I plan to change it. Christina deserves to be cared for, so loved and cherished that the entire world knows.

“You should.” He takes a sip of his own drink, finishing the amber colored liquid. The leftover ice tinkles in the crystal glass. “Before someone else loves her and it’s too late.”

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