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My phone buzzes, interrupting the silence. I glance at the screen, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. It's a message from Julia. I hesitate for a moment, my thumb hovering over the screen, then I swipe to unlock the phone.

Julia: Hi, please don’t hate me.

My stomach sours as I see three dots pop up and then disappear.

Julia: I know that I’ve been a shitty friend.

Julia: And that it’s been forever since we talked.

Julia: Could we hang out sometime soon?

Julia: I can explain everything.

Julia: Please. I miss you! XO.

I sit cross-legged on my bed, a tattered notebook resting on my lap, a pen poised between my fingers. Words swirl in my mind, but I can't seem to capture them, to tether them to the paper. It’s all useless.

I’ve been super distractible lately. I can’t tell if that’s a side effect of the trauma of the last few weeks, or my pregnancy.

For all I know, it could be both.

I bite my bottom lip, uncertainty gnawing at my insides. Julia doesn't know anything about my... situation. Not really. The last time we talked was when she sent me Matt’s social media story featuring me. So much has happened since then. With all of us.

I’ve reached out so many times. So many. I’ve left her texts and voice notes and DMs, some of them emotional, all of them desperate for my friend.

Why now?

I type out a response, my fingers hesitating over the keys:

Hey, Julia! I miss you too. It's been crazy here, but I'd love to catch up. How about a girl’s day? Maybe sometime this weekend?

I hit send before I can second-guess myself. Almost immediately, Julia replies.

Julia: Oh my gosh, yes! That sounds perfect. Let's do brunch and then maybe hit up that new art exhibit downtown?

I can't help but smile at her eagerness. Despite everything, Julia has always been a ray of sunshine in my life, a constant source of positivity and laughter. I owe her the truth; I know I do.

But for now, I'll bask in the warmth of her friendship. It’s a much needed moment of normalcy in my life.

Sounds like a plan! I can't wait. See you Saturday?

Absolutely! Can't wait to see you, Christina. XO.

I set my phone aside.

Right now, I’m grateful that the boys aren’t here. I want this moment to myself, in the safe solitude of my room. I lay back on my bed, my head sinking into the soft pillows. I wrap my arms around another pillow, hugging it to my chest. My phone buzzes a moment later, interrupting my moment of peace.

I look down at my phone, expecting to see Julia’s name and happily surprised to see Emelia’s instead.

“Hey,” I say, answering the phone on the second ring.

“Hey,” she says in a high-pitched sing-song like tone. I can practically hear the smile in her voice. Of all the people I’ve met while studying at Millerton, Emelia is quickly becoming my favorite. We have four classes together and she’s such a joyous person to be around.

“Listen, I was thinking, if you don’t have plans—” She goes on to plan a girl’s night for us, pizza, soda, and maybe some good rom-coms to reward ourselves with.

She goes out of her way to be my friend. That’s hard to ignore. Her kindness tugs at my heart.

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