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I drew her back to the shallower area then reached into my pocket and drew out the plug. “Bend over.”

“Umm.” She took a step away.

I hadn’t seen rebellion for days.

My smile wasn’t that evil, surely, but she frowned at me. “Please, Sir. No.”

“Say one more word and I’ll do full anal on you with my cock, here and now.” I wouldn’t get far into her but it was cute seeing the fear arrive. She knew about anal needing lube and that no one did it that easily, first time. Jaz wasn’t naive, just inexperienced.

At her hesitation I lunged for her, pulled her forward by a wrist, and tripped her into the water. Wrestling hit the adrenalin button, even if I had her down with her face in the water in seconds. All the fish zipped away from the flurry of splashing and the burbling scream she let out after arching her neck and grabbing a breath. With all her thrashing, it was lucky my finger had healed well.

I calmly put the plug back in my pocket, locked her wrist cuffs together and hauled her onto her knees. She gasped, dragging in no doubt much-needed air. Her underwear was dripping, her hair soaked. I yanked down her underwear at the back to bare her butt then kept her elbows in a lock while I fingered her hole. She squirmed but got nowhere.

Whoah. The water did help. With one knee down in the sand and the water, steadying me, I wormed the little finger of my good hand an inch deep, past her entrance ring, feeling it clamp onto me.

“Ohhh baby. Do you know how much men love fucking these tight little holes?”

Her glare then wince when I rotated my digit was an awesome catalyst for a sadist. We were both sopping wet but I was the one with the grin and the hard on.

“The things we can do with this.” I nipped her ear and removed my finger, then pulled the plug from my pocket. “Going in, meisie.”

Fok, she started wriggling like mad and I nearly dropped the thing, but there was one thing I was good at and it was hand to hand fighting with an already wrist-cuffed woman. I dropped her back into the water – she could grab air if she arched high enough – and found the leash in my opposite pocket.

“Up you come.” I pulled her head from the water and her onto her knees again. While she was recovering from vaguely drowning, I wrapped the leash around her thighs a few times and clicked it onto itself. “Got you.”

“Sir, no. Please.”

Her protests were amusing as I dragged her into even shallower water, rinsed the sand off her butt and lubed up the little black plug. If there were any sand grains left on her or my straining cock, I didn’t notice. The lube tube floated away with the waves and it started to rain, the drops smacking into the water at our knees.

So much for my weather-reporting prowess. I needed to get it inside her before the rain washed off the lube.

But Jaz. Oh my. Now I had her where I wanted her.

She kneeled before me in a foot of water, her thighs bound, her wrists at her back, and my arm locked under her elbows.

I smacked her butt a few times then pinched her nipples until she moaned. So predictable. It was the next bit she’d not like.

“Relax.” With great concentration, I wiggled the tip into her hole, fraction by fraction, with her squealing and gasping, until the biggest part disappeared inside. The last of it went like magic as her muscles claimed it. I tugged as if to pull it out and she squeaked again.

“Now I’m going to fuck you with that in. This might seem crowded.”

When I leaned her forward, her pussy lips were so engorged, pink, and pushing out between her legs, that I knew something had worked for her. The pain or the wrestling, or both.

“Little bitch, that’s step one for cock-in anal.” Then I squeezed my cock in past those inviting lips. With her thighs crammed together by the bondage, my cock seemed in heaven. Tight, wet, and every thrust made her whimper.

“Sir! Too tight. Hurts!”

Had I found a pain she found overwhelming? I stuck it deeper into her again, slamming in hard, and she descended into animalistic noises. I fucked her until both of us were panting and crying out louder than the noises of the squall. The rain poured down on us in a mad accompaniment.

I reached around and found her clit, massaged that little female button as I pumped slower, in and out. The clutch of her pussy on my cock was enough to make me come in ten seconds if I didn’t keep it slow.

I gasped and stopped, tensing for a few seconds, holding back from erupting. Then I worked at her clit while only thrusting an inch in, an inch out, until she stiffened, mouth wide open, and cried out oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck in a high-pitched voice, while shaking through a long climax.

“My turn,” I grated through my teeth. The base of the plug down there reminded me of what I could do to her. One day. My cock in her there. Soon. But right now, this minute...

With the plug in her ass and her thighs squashed in there was almost no room for my cock. Damn. It would probably come out two sizes smaller.

Holding back any longer wasn’t happening.

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