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As I hammered into her cunt, the squall hit us full force, blowing me sideways a bit and whipping up the water. I came so hard I didn’t notice the rain thudding into us until she bowed her head and slowly collapsed forward. I had to use serious muscle to keep her upright.

I spent a while just leaning on her neck, breathing there, before I popped out the anal plug, undid the leash, and helped her stand. Washing us off was easy with the rain and the sea.

The only problem, when we reached the beach, was that all my pages were wet or blown away.

When she wobbled on her feet, I decided to let them go where the wind took them. Letting her snuggle head first into my chest, enclosing her in my arms, feeling her sighs and mutters of that was good, sir...far, far better than chasing her past.

Maybe this was the tipping factor. She loved these hugs. From now on I would dole out both daily spankings and hugs.

I had this in hand. Everything was working out well.

Chapter 32

Fishing had always been a great hobby – relaxing, a way to think of nothing. Here, it was also a way to provide food for us both and more satisfying because of that. I’d left her back in bed at the hut, but tied up enough to keep her out of trouble. She’d been sleeping. We’d played under the stars last night with the flare of gas lanterns flickering light across her curves as I beat her with the flogger. I wanted to catch something for breakfast. With no fridge, fish didn’t keep for long.

That little inlet with the rocks had looked promising, but when I reached the top of the dune above, there was a small, dilapidated boat rocking in the waves.

Fok. No rifle. Keeping the salt, sand, and rust off it was a full-time occupation here and I’d left it behind for once. The only time, really. Murphy’s law.

I set down the fishing rod on the beach but kept the canvas satchel with me. The fishing knife would do, for now. A man snored in the stern, a bottle rolling back and forth at his feet as the sea tossed the boat. At least he’d remembered to throw out an anchor. Sails and a motor. I hadn’t heard him arrive, so he must have sailed in.

I waded out and checked in the cabin. Nobody else. Good.

So I gently woke him up, standing in the water with my hand on the gunwale and saying howdy like some American. Most couldn’t place my accent. If he didn’t speak English, I’d figure out an alternative way to scare the shit out of him.

His snoring choked to a halt and he blearily opened his eyes then jerked fully awake.

“You scare me!” His hand was on his heart.

“Sorry.” I nodded at his boat. “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged then clambered to his feet and staggered to the side. “Hey, I don’t know. I’m going to fish here. There’s a time to get away from your lady, some days. You know?”

The grin splitting his dark-skinned face invited me to smile back.

“Ahhh. I get it. You’re in trouble?”

“Yes!” He half fell, half climbed over the side, landing with a splash, and I caught his arm. “Yes. That is it.”

So the poor guy had gone on a drunken bender in his fishing boat to get away from his woman. It was hilarious in a way. God knows how he got this far without sinking.

I guessed he was fortyish and his face, teeth, and clothes were as battered as his boat but I hadn’t met anyone so cheerful in a long while.

We sat on the beach exchanging silly stories about women and fishing for half an hour before I managed to tell him the island was off limits and private. I hadn’t conversed with anyone for days, apart from a few times on the sat phone with Glass. Sad to have to shoo him off the island, but necessary.

“You got any friends coming here, looking for free stuff?” I gestured at the beach in front of us.

“No. Nobody I know comes here. Why?”

“Ahh. I’m having trouble with a few. Make sure people know. Okay?”

“Sure. Sure.” He shot me another gap-toothed grin. “I’ll do that. I have something of yours here, maybe. I found this on the beach last night.” He shoved his hand in his pocket, pulled out a folded-up piece of paper. Though wet, he managed to uncrumple it, and smoothed it on his thigh. He tapped it. “She looks like your woman maybe? This one? I see woman last night when I sail past. All lit up. You play rough?”

I’d had a couple of gas lanterns out last night, with Jaz tied under the roofed shelter at the jetty. Crap. With all the light, I’d not seen a thing outside the circle. I was getting careless.

“I guess I do.”

He had the first page on his knee and there was Jazmine’s picture, clear as day. Damn.

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